Bank Record Creation – Accounts Payable

      Accounts Payable Check Printing - Used to produce checks to pay selected vendor invoices and to update the invoices being paid.  One bank record is created for the total amount of each check produced by the program.

      Accounts Payable Wire Transfer - Used to produce wire transfers to pay selected vendor invoices and to update the invoices being paid.  One bank record is created for the total amount of each wire transfer produced by the program.

      Accounts Payable Manual Checks - Used to update invoices that have been paid using a manual (handwritten) check or some other method that does not automatically update the system (such as a bank transfer that is not processed inside the system).  One bank record is created for the total amount of each payment as each manual payment transaction is saved.

      Void an Accounts Payable Check - Used to void an accounts payable check, wire transfer or manual payment.  When a bank transaction is voided using this program, the amounts in the bank record are zeroed out, the status of the bank record is set to V and the invoices paid with the check or wire are re-opened.


Bank Record Creation - Accounts Receivable