General Ledger Training Outline

This section outlines the topics that are covered in the General Ledger Training classes that are offerred by Cove Systems.  This information is presented here in order to give the user an overview of the things that they should be familiar with when processing transactions in the General Ledger.

1.  General Ledger File Structures/ Design Overview

1.  Account Description File

2.  Account Period File

3.  Journal Entry File

4.  Alternate Account File

2.  Auto-post numbers.

3.  G/L integration with other Stream V modules.

1.  Transaction basics (ref numbers, memo field)

2.  Transaction Posting Method

4.  G/L Timing issues (sub-ledger balancing, reporting).

1.  Accounting Year and Period

2.  System Date

3.  Entered on date

4.  Reporting – differences between general ledger reports and sub-ledger reports.

5.  G/L Transaction Processing

      Daily Processing

1.  Startup Processing

2.  Creating a new account

3.  Posting a journal entry

4.  Reversing or voiding journal entries

5.  Recalling or copying an existing journal entry

6.  Viewing G/L Account Activity

7.  Running Reports

      Monthly Processing

Required Procedures that must be performed promptly at monthend

1.  Producing Month End reports

2.  Changing the system date

3. Changing the system period

4.  Changing the range of periods and years that can be posted to.

Closing procedures that can be performed after transaction processing has begun in the new period

1.  Closing the accounting period

2.  Running Utility programs to set month to date statistics

3.  Making adjustments to prior periods (accrual procedures for sub-ledger control accounts and other accounts).

      Yearly Processing

Required procedures that must be performed promptly at year end.

1.  Preparing the system for the new year

2.  Producing Year End reports

3.  Changing the system date

4.  Changing the system period and year

5.  Changing the range of periods and years that can be posted to.

6.  Performing a temporary close

Closing procedures that can be performed after transaction processing has begun in the new year.

1.  Closing the Accounting Year

2.  Running utility programs to reset year to date statistics

3.  Making adjustments to prior periods or years (accrual procedures for sub-ledger control accounts and other accounts).

6.  Error Recovery

1.  Finding and analyzing broken journal entries

2.  Fixing a broken journal entry

3.  Running a special audit.


General Ledger Reporting Logic