Importing XML Orders

StreamV contains a standard XML Order Import program that can be used to import customer sales orders.  The XML Order Import program uses a defined xml import file (OrdersIn.XML).

The microsoft xml conversion utility (msxsl.exe) and a custom conversion file are used to convert the xml file from the customer format to the defined xml format required by the program.  The custom conversion file is provided by Cove and is tailored to each file import format you need to process.  The custom conversion program, the microsoft exe file, and the customer file to be imported should all be installed in the XML Import directory that is used by the program.

The XML Order Import program imports the orders being processed as quotes (which do not reserve inventory), and then converts them to sales orders -  based on a user selection.  If the Import as Quotes check box in the program is checked, or if the order being processed cannot be successfully converted, it will remain a Q or Quote type order, and it will need to be converted to a sales order manually. 

Reasons a quote might not convert automatically would be

-A bad item number (the import file points to an item that cant be found).

- No shipto address in the xml information, and customer does not have a default shipto address.

The XML Order Import program will log any errors it encounters during processing (it will write the errors to a comment attached to the order, and it will include any errors on the report output at the end of the process).

Holds Processing

The Orders imported with the XML Order Import program can be placed on hold automatically by the system.  If the system parameter F:248:XMLHOLDA = Y, each imported sales order will have an “E” hold (EDI Hold) placed on it as it is created. 

Each order is also checked for the following issues, and a hold is placed on the order automatically by the system when required.

      Customer Account Status.  If the customer is set to status H (on hold) the XML Order Import program will place an “A”  (account) hold on the order.

      Credit availability for the customer.  If the customer open ar and orders are more than their credit limit, and the check limit field for the company is Y, (normal situation), a “C” (credit limit)  hold is placed on the order.

      Terms hold.  If the Autohold field in the Terms record is set to Y, the system will place a B (terms hold) on the order.  If the Terms processing code (used for credit card processing) is set to “1”, the system will place a “1” hold on the order.

      Value hold.  If the customer the order is being created for has a maximum order value (Hold Over amt not = 0), and the order subtotal is greater than the maximum value, the system will place a “V” (value hold) on the order.

      Rep Hold.  If the Rep used for the order has the Autohold field set to Y, the system will place an “R” (rep) hold on the order.

      Minimum value hold.  If the company has a minimum order amount specified (Min Order greater than 0), and the sales order subtotal is less than the minimum, the system will place a “U” (minimum order value) hold on the order.

Technical Notes:

      The XML Import directory should be defined in the system parameter F248:XMLNDIR, and should be created before you attempt to process any xml import files.  The directory should be specified without the ending slash (ie c:\cove\xmlin).  The microsoft msxsl.exe file, the custom conversion utitlity (provided by Cove Systems for your specific import file format), and the xml import file to be converted and processed, should all be present in this directory.

      The warehouse used by the XML Import program should be defined in the system parameter F248:EDIDEFWH

      If the system parameter F248:XMLHOLDA is set to Y, the system will place an E hold on any orders created with the XML Order Import program.

      The default sales order schedule date used for the sales orders created by the XML Order import program is determined by the system parameter F248:SODEFSCH – this parameter stores the number of days that are added to the current date, when setting the schedule date in each sales order line.

      The default Cancel Date used for the sales orders created by the XML Order import program is determined by the system parameter F248:SOCANDAY – this parameter stores the number of days that are added to the current date, when setting the cancel date in each sales order line.


Importing EDI Orders