Inventory Transaction Types

The following are the transaction types written into the Inventory Activity (Invtran) file.  These transaction types affect the Inventory, Work in Process and Pending sub-ledgers in the system and must be taken into account when reconciling the inventory activity or net change to these sub-ledgers for a particular date range.





Average Cost Adjustment - This transaction type is generated when the average cost of an item is changed or corrected using the Inventory Master program.  The AC record type stores the quantity on hand at the time that the adjustment was made in the Ref_Qty field, the previous cost for the item in the previous unit cost field, and the new cost for the item in both the cost and the new unitcost fields.


Beginning Balance - This transaction type is used to identify and permanently record the inventory quantities and costs which are transferred into the system upon startup.


Component Consumption - This transaction type records the component usage resulting from the completion of a shop order.  The records do not represent inventory movement but are created to simplify reporting.


Changed Item.  This transaction type is created when an item is returned as depreciated stock using the RA System.  The original item is credited to the customer and then converted to a related depreciated  (open box, re-box , cometically damaged) version of the item number.  The difference in the cost between the old and new item (determined by the percentage used for the item) is posted to the general ledger Inventory Account to recorgnize the loss from the return.  The JE Source associated with this transaction is  RA


Direct Invoice - Invoice created without a sales order.  This transaction type represents movement of on hand inventory amounts to the customer


Direct Shipper - Type DS invoice not associated with an order.  A type DS invoice does not have a price on the invoice line items.  It is used for loaner (eval, demo, IFT, RTV) shipments.  This transaction type represents the movement of on hand inventory amounts into the Pending file


Inventory Adjustment – This transaction type is created when the operator adjusts the quantity of an inventory item using the inventory adjustment program.  This type of inventory transaction represents an adjustment to on hand inventory amounts.


Inventory Count - This transaction type is created by the inventory count system when the on hand quantity of an inventory item is adjusted using this system.


Invoice Kitting - This transaction type is created when inventory items are converted into kits on the fly in the Invoicing/Order Completion program.  These records represent the conversion of component items into a top level part


Inventory Receipt - This type of transaction record is created when inventory is received in the PO/Inventory Receiving program and it is not received against a specific PO.  This transaction type represents receipt of inventory on hand amounts from a vendor.


Inventory Transfer - This transaction type is created when the operator transfers inventory between inventory locations using the Inventory Transfer program.  This transaction type represents transfer of on hand amounts from one inventory location to another inventory location.


Materials Conversion - This transaction type is created when the materials conversion processor is used to process a bill of materials.  This inventory transaction type represents conversion of sublevel items to top level items or vice versa.  The MC transaction type is assigned to the component items being consumed or produced using the Materials Conversion Processor.  Note:  This transaction type is obsolete for systems running software dated 8/95 or later.


Materials Explosion - This type of transaction record is created when the Materials Explosion program is used to process a bill of materials.  Materials explosion is used to record the conversion of top level items into component items (disassembly activity).  This type of transaction consumes the top level part being processed and increments the component quantities which are put back into inventory (a component can also be consumed by a ME transaction).  Each ME transaction records the current cost of each item being processed in the cost field of the record and the quantity of the item which is being added or subtracted from inventory in the quantity field of the record.  Each ME transaction contains lines for both the top-level part (identified by “Top Item” in the Company field of the record) and the component parts included in the transaction (identified by “Component Item” in the Company field of the record).  ME transaction records store the current BOM cost (the cost to build the top level part at current component costs) in the New Unitcost field of the line for the top level part.  The ME records also store the total quantity of components which are lost or gained during processing in the REF_QTY of each component line.  The information in the transactions can be used to determine any gain or loss on each transaction due to a difference between the top level item current cost, and the cost to build the item based on current component cost.   The ME records also can be used to determine the gain or loss on conversion due to defective or missing components, or additional components which are received or consumed during processing.


Materials Conversion - This transaction type is created when the materials conversion processor is used to process a bill of materials.  This inventory transaction type represents conversion of sublevel items to top level items or vice versa.  The MT transaction type is assigned to the top level item being assemebled or disassmebled using the Materials Conversion Processor.  Note:  This transaction type is obsolete for systems running on Manufacturing code dated 8/95 or later.


Order Completion - This transaction type is no longer in use.  This transaction type was created in earlier versions of the software when an order was completed in the invoicing order completion program.  This transaction type has not been used for some time but may be present in older (pre-1994) data.


Order Invoice - Invoice created from a sales order.  This transaction type represents movement of on hand inventory amounts to the customer. 


Order Shipper -  This is an invoice created from a Loaner or type L sales order.  A type OS invoice does not have a price on the invoice line items.  It is used for loaner (eval, demo) shipments, and for IFT transactions (inter-facility transfers) and RTV (return to vendor) transactions.  This transaction type represents the movement of on hand inventory amounts into the pending file


Pending Adjustment - This transaction type is created when items in the Pending file are directly written off to the General Ledger in the Pending Management program.


Pending Invoice - Transaction type created when inventory items are invoiced to a customer directly from Pending file.   This transaction type represents movement of inventory from the Pending file to the customer.


Price Protection - This transaction type is created when the operator adjusts the average cost of an inventory item using the Vendor Price Protection program.  This transaction type affects the average cost of the item being processed in the location that is processed but it does not affect the on hand quantities for the item.  The actual quantity being adjusted is stored in the reference field of the inventory activity record.  The old unit cost of the item being adjusted is stored in the Previous Unit Cost field of the record and the new unit cost of the item being adjusted is stored in the New Unit Cost field of the record.


Purchase Order Receipt - This transaction record is created when inventory is received against a specific purchase order.  This transaction type represents receipt of inventory on hand amounts from a vendor.


RTV Disposition - Pending to Vendor.  This record type represents movements of items from Pending file to the Vendor.  It is created when Pending record is cleared by converting it to an AP credit memo.  This type of inventory transaction stores the quantity being sent to the vendor in the REF_QTY field of the record as it does not affect the on hand quantity of the item in the Inventory Master file.


Return to Inventory - This transaction type is created when Pending records are returned to inventory using the Pending File Management program.   It represents movement of inventory from the pending file back into an inventory location.  This type of record results in an adjustment to the on hand quantity of the item.


Return to Vendor - Transaction type created when inventory is returned to vendor  for immediate credit using RTV system.  It represents movement of inventory from the inventory sub-ledger to the vendor.  An AP invoice (debit memo) is created for the value of the items processed based on the price recorded in the RTV order.  If the value of the vendor debit memo is not equal to the value of the inventory being returned, the system automatically posts a gain or loss for the difference.



Sales Detail - These transactions provide detail on the components sold as a result of the sale of items which are kitted, configured, or manufactured using the shop order system.  These records store a reference quantity and do not represent movement of inventory (inventory movement for the components are recorded in the IK, SF, WI, WO transactions).


Shop Floor - This type of transaction record is created during shop order processing.   This inventory transaction type represents conversion of sublevel items to top level items or vice versa.


SKU Conversion – This type of transaction record is created when items of the same type with different units of measure (case qty vs. each) are converted using the SKU Conversion/Unit of Measure reduction program (fv079s03).  This program allows the case qty part number to be converted into the each part number.


Transaction Utiltity - This transaction type is created by FV058T04.  The program creates Inventory Activity records from Invoice Line Items and is used for disaster recovery (to recover from situations where the Inventory Activity records for the invoices were never created or were damaged or deleted due to hardware problems.  The program will normally use the Invoice Type to determine the transaction type to assign to the Inventory Activity records but will use a type of TU if the invoices Type is blank or not found.


Void Invoice - This transaction type is created when an invoice is voided using the Same Day Invoice Void program.  This transaction type represents the movement of items from the customer into on hand inventory (reverse of a DI or a OI)


Vendor Shipment - This record type is created when a Vendor shipment is invoiced to a customer.  A vendor shipment is a shipment direct from the vendor to the customer and it is treated as a simultaneous receipt and sale.  Vendor shipments do not cause an adjustment to inventory on hand quantities.  Each VS record stores the purchase order and invoice associated with the shipment, the cost of the item (based on the PO) and the quantity received and invoiced.  The VS record is used for three way matching in the accounts payable system and to provide a link between the Invoice and PO associated with a vendor shipment transaction.  The quantity for each vendor shipment transaction is stored as a positive amount in the Ref_Qty field of the VS record.  Note: In prior versions of the software the quantity of each VS transaction was stored in the Qty and not the Ref_Qty field of the inventory transaction record.


Vendor shipment to Pending  - A VP transaction records the shipment of merchandise directly from the vendor to the customer.  When a VP transaction is processed, the value of the merchandise delivered to the customer is recorded in the Pending file and a sale is not recorded.   A VP transaction is treated as a receipt of goods.  The items processed are added to the inventory liability report and to the Pending Valuation report.  The value of the goods is also posted to the inventory control account in the General Ledger.   Vendor shipments do not cause an adjustment to inventory on hand quantities.  Each VP record stores the PO and invoice associated with the shipment, the cost of the item (based on the PO) and the quantity received and invoiced.  The VP record is used for three way matching in the accounts payable system and to provide a link between the Invoice and PO associated with the transaction.  The quantity of each vendor shipment to pending is stored as a positive amount in the Ref_Qty field of the inventory transaction record.


Wip In - This transaction type is created by the new (7/95) Shop order program.  It represents movement of inventory from the inventory sub-ledger to work in process.


Wip Out - This transaction type is created by the new (7/95) Shop Order program.  It represents movement of inventory from work in process to the inventory sub-ledger.


Bin Management - Reference Information