Main Section

The Catalog Manager is divided into several different sections.  The top or main portion of the program displays your internal item number, the manufacturer’s item number, and the descriptions for the Catalog record.  This section also displays the Product Line, Product Group and Business Line fields.  The Product Line, Group and Business line fields are used to classify or group items and these fields are included as selections on various inventory and sales reports.  The Product Line is also used by the system to determine how transactions for each item should be posted to the General Ledger.  The Product Line and Group are required fields and you may not save a new Catalog record or edit an existing record unless the fields are loaded with valid information.

The fields shown in the top right section of the Catalog Manager define the status of the item, and how the item is processed.  The status field defines if the item is Active (status A), Inactive (status I) or on Hold (status H).    In general, the system will allow orders to be entered for an active item.  Orders can also be processed for inactive items, but these orders are normally put on hold based on the item status and the hold must be released before the item can be shipped.  Inactive items are items that are no longer available and that cannot be selected during order entry.

The Stk or Stock field, determines if the Catalog item is a tracking or a non-tracking item.  Tracking items are physical goods that are tracked by the system.  Nonstock items are items that are not tracked by the system and can include items like labor or items with a low dollar value which are not worth tracking in detail.  Stocking and Non-Stocking items are described in more detail in the overview section of this document..

The Special and the Vendor Ship flags determine which fulfillment methods can be used for the selected catalog item.  The Vendor ship flag determines if the item is allowed to be “vendor shipped” or shipped directly from the vendor to the customer.  When this fulfillment method is used, the system creates a purchase order requisition for each vendor ship sales order line.

The Special flag is used for items that you do not wish to stock in your warehouse and which you order only as needed.  When the Special flag is set to Y, the system creates an individual purchase order requisition for each sales order containing the item.  The requisition is then converted to a purchase order which is then received into your warehouse and then shipped to the customer.

Both the Special and the Vendor Ship flags have 3 possible settings.  A Y in either flag indicates that this method must be used to fulfill orders for the item.  An N in either flag indicates that this fulfillment method is not allowed for the item, and a blank setting indicates that the fulfillment method is optional.

Vendor Shipment and Special Order Processing are also described in detail in the overview section of this document (Order Fulfillment Flags)..

The right hand side of the Catalog Manager program displays several different classification fields, indicators, and some other information.  The fields in this section  include the alternate and exchange item numbers that are associated with the catalog item, fields to indicate if the item is taxable and or serialized, and other fields such as the lead time and unit of measure for the item.  Each of the fields shown in the Catalog are documented using field level help so they are not described in detail in this document.   You can view the field level help information by using the option that is available from the right mouse menu (if you can access the field), or by using the field help option that is available on the Cove Standard Toolbar (this option allows you to pull up a list of the fields in the file being displayed (and the definitions for the fields) even if you do not have access to a specific field in the Catalog Manager program.


Sales Tab Page