When the Extended Detail Button option is selected, the system displays the Extended Item Detail Lookup program and it loads the program with the Extended Item Detail or “EID” records that have been created for the selected catalog item. Extended Item Detail information is data about the item that is stored in a separate data file. Extended Item Detail records are used by custom code, or by specific processes that require data that is not maintained in the Catalog file itself.
Since the Extended detail records are used for various purposes, they are not described in detail here. Extended Item Detail or EID records should be set up only as directed by your system administrator or Cove personnel as they are used for very specialized system features.
The Extended Item Detail Lookup program is used to view and maintain the catalog specific “EID” information. Once the program is displayed, you may view detailed information about a specific EID record using the ZOOM option. You may also add a new EID record for the selected catalog item using the INSERT option, or delete an existing “EID” record for the selected catalog item using the DELETE option.