Payments – AR Invoice Activity Lookup

When an Invoice is selected in the Credit Against Invoice Lookup program and the Payment Activity option is selected, the system activates the AR Invoice Activity Lookup program.

The AR Invoice Activity Lookup program displays the Journal Entry Lines that are associated with the selected invoice. The Journal Entry Activity displayed in the program includes any payment, and adjustment transactions for the invoice, and the sales posting activity for the invoice (if you are posting sales online on an invoice by invoice basis).

The AR Invoice Activity Lookup also allows you to

      Access the AR Check Detail Panel, which displays the information for the AR Check record that is associated with each payment transaction for the invoice. The AR Check Detail Panel also allows you to view and edit any image or comment records associated with the AR Check and to access the Field Help system – which displays the database definitions for the fields shown in the Panel.

      Access the Journal Entry Lookup which displays all of the line items for a single journal entry. . The Journal Entry Lookup program also allows you to access the Journal Entry Detail Panel and to access the Field Help system – which can be used to displays the database definitions for the fields shown in the Lookup.

Please Note: The AR Invoice Activity Lookup program is completely described in another section of this document. You may obtain more information about the program by activating it and using the Help key to display the main help documentation for the program. 


AR Report Programs