The Prepare Inventory Count program is used when you are performing a complete or cycle (partial) count for one of your warehouse locations.
The Prepare Inventory Count program requires you to select the specific inventory or warehouse location in which the count is to be processed. The Prepare Inventory Count program also allows you to select an optional Bin, Item Number or Item Description range. The optional bin and item selections can be used to specify the items to be processed when a partial or cycle count is being performed for the selected warehouse location. The optional selections are NOT used when you perform a complete count for the selected location. All items, bins, and descriptions in the warehouse being counted are included when a complete count is performed.
The Prepare Inventory Count program prepares the selected location for an inventory count to be performed. The program does this by clearing any existing “count records” for the selected inventory location, and by creating count records for the items to be processed in the location that is being counted. If a complete count is being performed, count records are created for all stocking items and bins in the location. If a partial count is being performed, count records are created for the sbin, item, or description range selected.
The Create Count record with zero quantity selection allows you to specify how the inventory count records are created. If the selection is set to N, the system will pre-load the expected quantity for each bin and item combination into the count records as they are created. If the selection is set to Y, the system will load a zero into the count records as they are created.
Once you have made and confirmed your selections and have selected the output routing for the report produced by the program (options are Printer, File, or List), the program performs the following actions.
• Clears the Count file: The program deletes all of the INVCTRAN (inventory count transaction) records from the INVCTRAN or Count File for the warehouse location being processed.
• Select Bin records: The program runs thru the Bin file, selecting only the items in the specified inventory location, and the specified bin, item number and description range (if applicable). As each bin record is selected, the system tests for (finds) the Inventory record associated with it. The system writes a warning message and skips creation of the count record if the item is not found
• Create Count record: For each selected bin record, the system creates a count record in the INVCTRAN or Inventory Count file. Each count record contains the warehouse location, bin, and item number of the bin to be counted. The quantity field in the Count record will be loaded with either the expected (current) quantity for the item/bin combination, or zero, depending on how the Create Count records with zero quantity selection was set. The committed quantity from each bin record (portion of the bin quantity that has been assigned to open pick or pull tickets by the system) is also loaded into each count record.
• Update Pre-Count quantity in Bin: The current quantity in each Bin record being processed (counted) is moved into the PRE_COUNT_QTY field in the Bin record.
• Update Pre-Count quantity in Item: The current quantity on hand for each inventory item being processed (counted) is moved to the Pre-Count quantity field in the Inventry record.
• Reconcile Bin vs Inventory Qty: Since the Inventory Count system adjusts both the Bin and the Item quantity for the items being processed, the Prepare Inventory Count Program checks to make sure the Bin and Inventory quantities for each item match at the beginning of the count process. If the total of the bin quantities for each item do not match the inventory on hand quantity for the item an error message is output on the report. This error should be corrected before continuing to process the count.
• Check for Overcommitted Bins: If the committed quantity for a bin is greater than the bin on hand quantity (indicating more than the bin quantiy has been assiged to open pick and pull tickets), an error message is output on the report so the error can be corrected.
Once the Prepare Inventory Count program has completed processing, it sends the report output to the specified output destination. This report should be checked for errors, the errors should be corrected, and the program should be re-run as required until a “clean” version of the report is produced.
Note: The Prepare Inventory Count program will clear the Inventory Count file for the selected location and destroy any count information that is already present in the file for the selected location.