RA Line Detail Panel

The RA Line Detail panel displays detailed information about each return line.  This information includes:

The unique RA number and RA line number associated with the return.   These numbers are generated automatically by the system when the RA is created.

The RA line status and the entered on and last revision date as well as the initials of the operator who created and last edited the record.

The company associated with the RA.

The invoice number and invoice line number associated with the RA (if applicable).  Not all return authorization records are associated with an invoice.

The item number being returned and the total quantity of the item being returned.

The quantity of the item that has been received at your location, as well as the quantity of the item that has been cross-shipped to the customer and the quantity of the line that has been disposed of ..

Other fields displayed in the panel include The Return Value (the price that would be refunded to the customer per unit if a credit memo is issued) and the replace value (the price that is charged to the customer when a replacement item is sent back to the customer).  These fields may or may not contain the same value.

The RA Line Detail Panel also contains the Standard Toolbar.  The Standard Toolbar contains standard options which allow you to access any comments, images or documents associated with the RA.  The Standard Toolbar also includes a Help option which allows you to access the Cove Field Help System.  The Field Help system can be used to display the database definitions for each of the fields which are displayed in the panel.


RA Report Programs