RA Valuation By Sales Rep

The RA Valuation By Sales Rep report lists the current value (based on the the return value stored in each RA line item), of the open or received return authorizations in your system.  The RA Valuation By Sales Rep report outputs detailed information for each RA that is included on the report.  This information includes the customer and invoice associated with each RA, the current status of each RA line, and the extended value of the line.  The RA Valuation By Sales Rep report outputs in Sales Rep/ Return Authorization sequence with the earliest rep and RA number listed first on the report

Please note that the ownership of the goods on an RA remain with the customer while an ra is open.  The amount shown on this report is not tracked in your general ledger and the value represents only the sales value of the pending or received return authorizations on your system.

Selection Options: The RA Valuation By Sales Rep report includes the following selection options.

RA Number Range: Allows you to select only the RA records that have return authorization numbers within the specified RA number range.

RA Entered Date Range: Allows you to select only the return authorization records that were created or “entered” during the specified entered date range.

RA Received Date Range: Allows you to select only the return authorization records that were received during the specified date range.

RA Completed Date Range:  Allows you to select only the return authorization records that were completed or disposed of during the specified date range.

Company Name RangeAllows you to select only the return authorizations for companies names which are included in the the specified customer name range.

Item Number RangeAllows you to select only the return authorizations for item numbers that are in the the specified item number range.

RA Status IN: Allows you to select only the return authorization records that have the specified status code or codes. Valid status codes include O (open, nothing received), I (received into inventory and not disposed of), and C (closed or disposed of).

RA Type IN: Allows you to select only the return authorization records that have the specified source type or types.   The RA type field is a user controlled field and the valid entries for can be controlled using a gencode table.

Output Format:

The following section displays a sample of the output produced by the RA Valuation By Sales Rep report. This sample is based on the default List and Label Template for the report that is provided by Cove Systems. Please note that the report output and selection information can also be customized using the Advanced Reporting Options and the Design report options that are available in the system.


RA Status By Number