Recreating the automatic posting 

If you need to create a journal entry for a specific inventory receipt due to the receipt not being posted correctly when it was processed, you may do so as follows. 

Note:  This procedure is used to repair data that was not correctly written due to system or configuration errors.  This type of error should be very unusual if your system has been installed and configured properly.  This procedure and the use of offline editors should be restricted to users who are qualified System Administrators.  If you are unsure about how to complete this procedure or are uncomfortable with data repair issues, please contact Cove Systems personnel for assistance with solving your problem.

1.  Determine the receipt(s) that need to be posted.  For each receipt note the number of items received, the extended cost of each item received, and the product line the item is assigned to.  Also note the invtran number assigned to each transaction.  All invtran records for a particular inventory receipt will store the same invtran number.  This information can be obtained using an Inventory Transactions or Receiving report or the Inventory Activity lookup.  You may also determine the amount of unposted receipts using the Inventory Transaction Audit report (fv091x01).  This report checks the transactions in the selected date range vs the source IP postings made by the system against the transactions and will list unposted transactions on the report.

2.  Find a valid Inventory Receipt Journal entry to be used as a "template" for the JE to be created.  You should try to select an entry with approximately the same number of inventory lines as the number of invtran records to be posted.  (If you are recreating a JE for a receipt which included 5 items, then you should select a JE with approx 5 lines to the inventory control account).  You can find a valid JE by using the GL Account Lookup program and looking in the Inventory Liability or Inventory Control accounts for an entry with a source of IP.  Note the JE number.

3.  Select the Journal Entry program, set the year and period to the correct values based on the date of the receipt to be posted and load the selected "template" JE into the program.  Modify the JE source to be used for the entry to “IP” (your ability to do this is based on some system security settings).  Modify the JE amounts and inventory control account being used for each line to match the receipt the posting is being created for.   Make sure the JE line to the Inventory Accrual Account stores the modified total of the lines to the Inventory Control accounts and save the JE.  Note the JE number.

4.  Using the offline editor for the JE file, find the JE that you created in the previous step.  Enter the Invtran number assigned to the receipt into the REF# field of all of the JE lines, set the source of all the JE lines to IP, and enter INVR POST into the Memo field of all JE lines.

5.  Use the offline editor for file 91 to add the appropriate JE number to the JE Number field of each of the Invtran records for which you manually created journal entries.  This ties each journal entry and invtran record together and provides the system with the proper reference information required by the audit programs in the system including FV091X01.

Rerun the Inventory Transaction Audit (FV091X01) to confirm that the new journal entries are correct.  The audit routine will print any receiving transactions in the selected date range for which a source IP journal entry does not exist, or for which the IP posting total does not match the associated inventory transactions.  The report can be rerun in order to verify that the errors have been resolved.


WM Monthly or End of Period Procedures