Return to Stock

A Return to Stock or Return to Normal Stock (RNS) Transaction is used to issue a credit to the customer for the items that have been returned against the RA.  The items being processed are returned to the returns location selected by the operator, the serial numbers for the items are updated to I or In Stock status, and Serial History and Inventory Actvity records are written to record the transaction.  A Credit  Memo is created for the RA Customer using the prices specified in the Ra Lines and an optional shipping amount that can be added to the credit.  The system also allows the operator processing the transaction to add a comment to the credit memo.

To process a Return to Stock transaction, the operator first selects the RA to be processed and presses the Dispose Button.  This activates the RA Disposition program which displays the received or status “I” RA lines for the selected RA.  The RA Disposition program also allows you to filter the lines displayed based on the location or workcell stored in each RA Line.

Once the RA Lines are displayed in the RA Disposition program, the operator uses the RA Line Disposition Detail panel to select the RA lines to be processed.  Note:  If you wish to partially process an RA Line you must split it.  This will allow you to process the received portion, or a partial qty of an RA line and leave the remaining qty open.  You may only split up to the received qty in each line.

The operator selects the ra lines to be processed by filling out the required and optional information for the lines to be processed.  This information includes

•      The To Clear Quantity (this must be the same as the received and the ra line qty).  You may not save a To Clear Quantity without also saving the Disposition Type

•      The Disposition Type. This should be set to RNS or Return New Stock

•      The Return to Location – The inventory location the item will be returned to – all lines being processed must be returned to the same location.  As the operator sets the returns location, the system verifies that the operator is allowed to return to the selected location (based on F248:RALOCS), and that the item in the ra exists in the selected returns location.  If the operator is allowed to use the selected location, the system will use the inventory record for the item in that location  - or auto-create the item in the returns location as required.

•      The Restocking fee for each line and any other disposition fee and amount for the line (the disposition fee field can be controlled by a Gencode Table).

•      The amount to credit the customer for the return (per unit), and the commission cost to be used for the credit memo.

As the operator fills out the information for each line, the system also checks for and displays a warning if it finds any existing credits already issued for the invoice you are processing (based on the invoice in the RA).  This warning is shown below the return to Location in the RA Line Disposition Panel.  This warning is also a link which will the display a Credits against Invoice Lookup and load the lookup with the credit memos for the invoice in the ra line.

Once the operator has filled out the information in the RA Lines to be processed and has selected the appropriate serial records they can process the transaction by pressing the Dispose Button.

When the Dispose Button is pressed the system checks

•      That the full qty of each ra line is being processed – you must dispose fully of each line, partial processing is handled by splitting lines so the items can be disposed of separately.

•      All lines have the same returns location

•      All of the required serial numbers are present for the items being processed.  (Serial Y or Serial S items should both have valid serial records attached to each ra line for the quantity being processed).

If some lines have been loaded with the required information, the system then prompts for “Enter shipping credit (as a positive number).  Original invoice shipping was “(and it displays the amount of the shipping from the original invoice.  Once the operator has specified the optional shipping credit, the system.

•      Creates a temporary sales order from the RA Lines being processed.

•      It passes the order to the Invoicing Routine Automated or IRA.  This business process creates a credit memo to the customer for the items being disposed of, using the price and commission cost specified in the ra line, and the current cost of the item in the inventory system.  This process also closes the temporary sales order.The invoicing process also updates the Serialized Inventory records for the items returned to stock (they are are updated to I status), it writes Serial History transactions (type RA) to record the items being returned to stock, and it writes inventory transactions (type OI) to record the items moving into the inventory location.  The Inventory and Bin Qty for each item is also updated (the Bin used is based on F248:OCICMBIN)

•      It updates the shipping and tax amounts in the customer credit memo to reflect the optional shipping credit entered by the operator.

•      The system posts the invoice to the GL (If you are posting online).

•      The system Prints an RA Disposition ticket.

•      The system updates (closes) the RA lines that were processed.  The date and operator are moved to the disposed data and disposed by fields, the to clear quantity is moved to the disposed qty.  The credit memo number is moved to the raline credit memo number field, the to clear quantity is moved to the raline credit quantity field and C is moved into status.

•      The system prompts the operator to add a comment to the new credit memo.

•      The system checks to see if a custom exit routine has been specified for the RA routine.  If so, the routine is executed.  Exit routine is named RARTS

•      The system displays a message “Disposition Complete” or Error Transaction Aborted to notify operator it completed  properly or not.