Set up the Return Authorization Parameters in the System Control File.

The RA applications make use of the information which is entered for the following parameters in the System Control File (file 248).  These parameters must be properly set up by the system administrator or by Cove Systems' personnel before any transactions are processed.  The parameters listed below may be set up on a branch, group or user by user basis in order to customize the RA programs to suit the needs of a specific user or group of users.  Please see the System Adminstration Guide for more information about the System Control File.

165M10PR - Print RA Receiving Traveler in RA Receipt Program.  This parameter determines printing behavior in the RA Receiving program FV165M10.  If the parameter is set to “A”, an RA Receiving document or “Traveller” will be printed out automatically.  If the parameter is set to “Y”, the program will prompt the operator to indicate whether they wish to print the document, and if the parameter is set to N, the document will not be printed and the operator is not prompted.  The print routine controlled by this parameter is FV165M11.

165S01CS – Allow Operator to Cross Ship in RA Management Program FV165S01.  This parameter determines whether or not the operator is allowed to process a cross shipment in the RA system.  If a “Y” is entered for this parameter, the operator is allowed to process a cross shipment and if the parameter is set to “N”, the operator is not allowed to process a cross shipment.

165S01DI – Default Index used by RA Management Program FV165S01.  This parameter controls the default display sequence that is used by the RA Management Program.  Valid options for this parameter include "NUMBER" (ra number sequence), "COMPANY" (ra company sequence), "STATUS" (ra status, then company sequence).  If a value is not specified for this parameter, the program will use the NUMBER sequence for the default index.

165S01RD – Allow operator to dispose in the RA Management program FV165S01.  This parameter controls whether the user may “dispose”or close an RA in the RA Management program.  If a “Y” is entered for this parameter, the operator may dispose of an RA in the program and if the parameter is set to “N” the operator may not use the dispose option in the program.

165S01RR – Allow operator to receive in the RA Management program FV161S01.

165S01ZZ – Operator edit rights in RA Management Screen FV165S01.  This parameter determines which types of edits can be performed by the operator in the RA Management Program.  Valid entries for this parameter include “I” (insert), “E” (edit), and “D” (delete).   The appropriate code or codes should be entered for this parameter based on the functions that each operator is allowed to perform.  Setting the parameter to “IDE” causes the program to allow the operator to insert new records, edit existing records and delete existing records.

165M11P> - Print Routing used by RA Traveller FV165M11.  This parameter stores the default printer routing for the RA Traveller.  If the name of a valid Printer record from File 245 is entered for this parameter, the system will print the document to the specified printer.  If this parameter is blank or missing, the system will print the document to the default printer for the operator.




HOUSECO -  Internal customer record used when crediting goods into Pending from RA System.  The items returned by the customer are transferred to this customer record when the transaction is processed.

OCICMBIN – Used by StreamV for the default returns bin when crediting inventory into Pending from RA.

DEFSUBRA – Used by StreamV to default the Sales Order Subtype to be used for credits generated from the RA System.  The Sales Order Subtype specified should also be set up in the Sales Order SUBTYPE Gencode Table

DEFSUBRB – Used by StreamV to default the Sales Order Subtype to be used for RA Replacement Sales Orders.  The Sales Order Subtype specified should also be set up in the Sales Order SUBTYPE Gencode Table

DEFSUBRC – Used by StreamV to default the Sales Order Subtype to be used for RTV (Return to Vendor)  Sales Orders that are generated from the RA System.  The Sales Order Subtype specified should also be set up in the Sales Order SUBTYPE Gencode Table


RACANDAS – Default Number of days added to current date when calculating the cancel date in the RA System.

RACRD01 - Controls whether operator may use the Credit Into Pending Option in the RA System.  If the Switch is set to N, the button for the option is disabled.  If the switch is set to Y or is missing, the button is enabled.

RACRD02 - Controls whether operator may use the Credit & Create RTV Sales Order Option in the RA System.  If the Switch is set to N, the button for the option is disabled.  If the switch is set to Y or is missing, the button is enabled.

RADAYS - The number of days that should be subtracted from current date when calculating RA statistics.  The system will rebuild the RA totals for each customer using this number of days.

 RADEFHLD – This parameter stores the default sales order hold code that is placed on RA Replacement Sales Orders.  If a value (A-Z, 0-9) is entered for this parameter, the system will place this hold on any RA replacement orders that are generated by the RA system.

RADEFLOC – This parameter stores the default sales order location that shoul dbe

RADEFTRM– Default payment terms to be used when creating an RA.  If this parameter is loaded with a valid terms code, that terms code is used as the default terms for all RA’s entered into the system.  If the switch is not loaded, the company terms will be used as the default terms for the RA being processed.


RAMANINV – Allow user to specify RA Number in RA Entry FV165m01 – IF set to Y, this switch allows the operator to manually enter the RA number to be used for each RA being entered.  This switch is normally only used when you are converting from another system and wish to enter any open RA’s into StreamV using the same number that was assigned to the RA in the old system.  Please note that each RA must have a unique number, regardless of how this switch is set.

RAMULINV(fv165m01) multi invoice

RAONEPO – (fv165m20)

RAPRTOVL – Print Overlay called


RARETDEF – This parameter contains the RA Line Item Types that are treated as Defective when rebuilding customer RA statistics.

RARESTK – Item number used by RA System when charging restock fee on customer credit memo.  This nonstock item must exist in the location you are crediting the items to.

RAUTOPRC (fv165m01) This parameter is used to determine where the return and replacement price for an RA are obtained.  As each ra line is entered into the system, the system checks to see if the line is associated with an invoice line.  If so, the system uses the price from the invoice line for the return (credit memo price) and replace (replacement sales order price) in the record.  If the ra line is not associated with an invoice, the system tries to find the last sales price used for the company and item combination being processed.  If the system is unable to find a last sale price for the company and item, the system calculates the price using the customer default price level for the item adjusted for the currency in the ra.  When the RAUTOPRC parameter is set to “Y”, the system uses the last sale price for the company and item, even if it is different than the price used on 

Set the parameters for statistics in customer master.

Add ons

statistics calc and rebuild, storage

pricing logic on return and replacement price.

Pending logic.

RA Comment IN 1201

Describe costing logic, validation, serial number tracking

check on cust curr plus 2 diff serial records (ie 3 diff curr on each line).

add code to serial to find invoice, page notice if not same as rahead currency.

274 update doc.

Changes to serialization logic – Loaners, automatic preassignment in RA, Pending, automatic tagging in RA, Pending.



RA Processing Options