Shop Order System Dates

The Stream II Shop Order system stores multiple dates for each shop order.  Some of these dates are maintained only in the Shop Order Header while others are maintained in both the Shop Order Header and the Shop Order Line Item Files.  The following table describes each of these dates.


Field Name


Header/ Line



Entered On


The date the Shop Order header or Shop Order line was entered into the system.  This is a system maintained date.


Revision Date


The date the Shop Order header or line was last edited.  This is a date that is updated by the system whenever the Shop Order header or line is manually edited.


Order Date


The date the Shop Order was created This date is defaulted by the system to the current date.


Required Date


The date that the goods are required. Normally this date is set to the current date.  The system does not update this date after the Shop Order has been saved.


Schedule Date


The date on which the vendor will ship the item. The estimated ship date is defaulted by the system during PO entry based upon the current date + the lead days in the QVL record, or the Purchasing Lead days in the Inventory record for the item, if a QVL record is not present for the item/vendor.  The estimated ship date calculated by the system can also be updated manually or by EDI.


Planned release date


The date on which you plan to release the components to the floor so the shop order can be assembled.


Release Date


The actual date on which you release components to the floor for this shop order.


Last Pull Date


The date that components were last pulled from inventory for this shop order


Completed on date


The date on which the shop order was completed.

Once a shop order has been created the user is able to track its progress through the shop using on-line inquiry screens or numerous reports.

During the course of processing shop orders the system produces inventory picklists, shop floor travelers, and other shop order documents to facilitate the movement of the shop order through its processing steps.

The information accumulated during the processing of a shop order remains for historical purposes and can be easily accessed by shop order number or through the history of any serialized items that are produced.

Multiple shop orders line types are supported to control different types of parts and labor consumption.  These types are:

Consume finished parts - This type of shop order line consumes parts out of inventory in the quantity specified.

Phantom part - Indicates that the item does not really exist, and is never stocked as a finished part.  The system consumes the parts out of inventory that are defined in the BOM for the item.

Build as Required - The system will automatically create shop orders to build these parts when a shop order is created that contains them.  For example; in order to build item "A" you need to first have an item "B" and "C” produced.  When you create a shop order for item "A" which calls for items "B" and "C", the system will create two shop orders to produce those items.  These shop orders will have their dates set as follows:

"Needed" is set to one day before the Plan to Kit date for item "A".

"Plan to Release" date is set to "Needed" minus the leads days.

"Plan to Kit" date is set to "Plan to Release" minus 1 day.



SF Installation, Set up Procedures