Each Terms record contains several fields that are used by the Hold Management System. These fields are used for Terms, Terms Relaxation and Credit Card Holds.
Risk Level: The Risk Level field is used by the system to compare the relative risk of the various payment terms that are being used. 1 is treated as the lowest risk, 9 is treated as highest risk. The field is used during order entry when the terms on an order are being changed. If the Risk Level field in the Terms record is higher than the risk level in the terms assigned to the customer, the operator is relaxing the terms and the order will be held for T or Terms Relaxation Hold.
AutoHold: The Autohold or Hold all Sales Orders field will cause the system to place a B or Terms Hold on any Sales Order or Loaner order that is entered using the Payment Terms.
Automated Processing Code: The Automated Processing Code field is used for credit card terms. Numeric values are loaded into the field and these values are used by the credit card processing software to determine the type of credit card being processed.