Existing customer records can be viewed or edited from two different places in the CRM system. The programs from which detailed customer information can be edited include the following.
• Customer Manager
• Customer Lookup
The following procedures can be used to view or update a customer record from each of these locations.
Customer Manager
1. Select the Customer Manager from the CRM Operations Pull-down menu.
2. Find the Customer record that you wish to view or edit. In the Customer Manager you may locate and select a customer record by using the PROMPT key or button in the Company or Account fields. This causes the Company Selection List to be displayed. Once the Company Selection List is displayed, you may locate an existing customer using the following procedure. Note: You may also locate a customer record by typing information (the company name or account or a portion of it) directly into the appropriate fields in the Customer Manager and then using the FIND keys to locate the record closest to the value entered. You may then use the FIND PREVIOUS or FIND NEXT keys to scroll through the company records until the correct record until the correct company is displayed.
1. Accept or change the default display sequence in the Company Selection List. The Company Selection List displays the customer records in your system based on the method used to access the list. If you press the PROMPT key in the Company field, the list is sorted by Company name, if you press the PROMPT key or button in the Account field, the list is sorted by Account. You may also re-order the list by clicking on the column headers shown at the top of the list. This will cause the list to be sorted based on the selected column and also allow you to search based on the value selected (i.e. by account, company, state, zip code, phone number).
2. Locate the customer by typing in the appropriate information (name or account) and pressing the ENTER key. This action will cause the program to find and select the company record that most closely matches the information keyed into the search prompt. Once you have verified the correct company record has been selected you may select the record by double-clicking it. This causes the selected company to be loaded into the Customer Manager
3. View or edit the company record. Once a company record is loaded into the Customer Manager, you may edit the record or view related information for the company. The information that can be changed in the Customer Manager is controlled based on the field level security that has been implemented in your system. As you update and save changes to existing customer records, the system will validate the information entered into each field in each customer record. If a required field is missing or loaded with invalid data, the system will display a warning message or error indicating which field is not loaded properly. The system will not allow you to save your changes until the record being modified contains valid data in all required fields.
4. Save the changes to the customer record by pressing the SAVE key or the SAVE button. This will clear the Customer Manager.
1. Select the Company Lookup from the CRM Pull-down menu.
2. Accept or change the default display sequence used by the program. The Company Lookup lists all of the customer records in your system (or only the records you are allowed to view – depending on your system configuration). The customer records shown in the Company Lookup can be displayed using several different sort sequences. The display sequence used by the view can be changed by clicking on the column titles in the view with the left mouse button. This action causes the system to display the available sort options. If you then select a sort option, the system redisplays the companies in the Company Lookup in the selected sequence.
3. Locate and select the company. Once you have determined and selected the appropriate display sequence, you may search for a particular company in three ways. You may use the CURSOR (ARROW) keys and the PGUP and PGDN keys to scroll or page through the records listed on your screen, you may enter a search string based on the display sequence you are using, you may also use a combination of these techniques.
4. Once the correct record has been selected or highlighted, you may press the ENTER key or double-click the appropriate company to load the company into the Company Detail panel.
5. View or edit the company record. Once a company record is loaded into the Company Detail, you may edit the record or view related information for the company. The information that can be changed in the Company Detail w is restricted based on the field level security that has been implemented in your system. As you update and save changes to existing customer records, the system will validate the information entered into each field in each customer record. If a required field is missing or loaded with invalid data, the system will display a warning message or error indicating which field is not loaded properly. The system will not allow you to save your changes until the record being modified contains valid data in all required fields.
6. Save the changes to the customer record by pressing the SAVE button. Once the customer record is updated, the system clears the Company Detail and returns to the Company Lookup.