Automated Credit Card Processing – Order Entry

Authorize at Order Entry (Auto) -  When a credit card order is placed, the operator enters the credit card information during order entry.  The operator is only able to get to the credit card fields when the order terms are set to a credit card payment term.  The operator enters the credit card number, the expiration date (in MOYY format), and the security code from the card,  The operator should also enter (select), the appropriate credit card contact.  The contact identifies the individual card holder when the name on the credit card is not the same as the name of the company being processed).   The credit card information is used to get an authorization for the amount of the order when the order is saved.   The authorization code is stored in the order header.  A CCTRAN record is created for the authorization and this record will contain the Authorization Transaction ID for the authorization which is used when the order is invoiced to capture the sale.  The CCTRAN record is linked to the sales order.

The authorization code is carried from the sales order to the invoice.  It is the responsibility of the site to handle all issued related to partial shipments, multi-location shipments and edits.