BNK Lookup Programs

The Bank Lookup programs are used to view accounts payable check and other payment documents, accounts receivable deposits, miscellaneous bank charge and deposit transactions. The Bank Lookup program also allows you to view the transaction details associated with each Bank document.  The Bank Lookup menu also includes programs that allow you to view other types of documents such as Purchase Orders, Inventory Transactions and other information.

Please Note: Some of the AP Lookup programs described in this section are called from other AP Lookup programs. Some of the Accounts Payable Lookup programs may also call lookups from other modules or applications. This is done in order to allow you to “drill down” through transaction activity. For example, the Accounts Payable Lookup program calls the Account Payable Journal Entry Lookup program, which calls the Journal Entry Lookup Program.

This section describes each of the Accounts Payable Lookups separately to allow the various features of each lookup to be highlighted. In some cases, the Lookup programs are activated by merely “expanding” from one lookup to another and no menu selection is necessary. These cases are noted in the following sections.

This section also briefly describes some Lookups that belong to other modules in the system. An example is the Purchase Order Lookup programs. The PO Lookup programs are completely documented as part of the PO system but the programs are also included in the AP Module. These lookups from other applications are briefly described here and you should refer to the appropriate documentation for a more detailed description. Regardless of what module a Lookup program is called from, the Help system should automatically display the correct documentation for the program. In the above example, the Help key should display the documentation for the Purchase Order Lookup that is contained in the documentation for the PO Module even if the Lookup is activated from the Accounts Payable System


Bank Journal Entry Activity Lookup

Bank Detail Panel