When an Inventory Item is selected in the Inventory Management program and the Catalog Detail option is selected, the system activates the Catalog Detail Panel and it loads the panel with the information for the Catalog associated with the selected inventory item.
The Catalog Detail panel allows you to view and to edit the information that is maintained for each item in the Catalog file. Your ability to edit the information in each Catalog record is restricted based on your field security settings and based on the Inventory Normalization logic that is being used on your system (the Catlog Detail program automatically blocks you from editing fields in the Catalog record that should be maintained in the Inventory record and vice versa). Inventory Normalization is discussed in detail in the documentation for the Product Management (PM) system.
The Catalog Detail panel also allows you to access other information associated with the selected Catalog record. This information includes the inventory items associated with the record, the bill of materials ad cross reference records associated with the record, the QVL records that have been created for the Catalog item and the Purchasing history for the item.
The Catalog Detail Panel is part of the Product Management (PM) System and it is completely described in the documentation for that system. You may access more information about the Catalog Detail Panel by activating the program and using the Help key to display the primary help documentation for the program.