The serialized components used in a specific top level serialized item are linked to the serial number for the top level item after the components have been completely pulled and prior to completing the shop order.
The serial numbers for the serialized components in a shop order are entered by performing the following steps.
Selecting the Serial Numbers Option in the Shop Order Management program. This option displays the serial numbers for the top level items on the shop order (you may not specify the serial numbers for any components or byproducts until you have created the serial records for the top level item being built).
Highlighting (selecting) the top level serial record that the component is associated with and selecting the Expand option to display the Shop Order Serial Number Linker. This program displays the serialized components and byproducts included on the shop order and the top level serial number that you are linking the components and byproducts to.
Highlighting the component item number in the Shop Order Serial Number Linker and selecting the Expand option to display the Shop Line Serial Number Linker. The Shop Line Serial Number Linker displays the serial numbers that have been entered for the component that are associated with the selected top level serial number. The top portion of the program displays the item, description and quantity of component serial numbers that is required for the selected top level serial record (please note this quantity is the quantity associated with the selected top level serial number, it is not necessarily the total quantity of the component from the shop order).
Using the Insert option to input the serial numbers for the component item. When a component item is selected in the Shop Line Serial Number linker and the insert key is pressed, the system displays the Serial Number Selection List. The Serial Number Selection list is used to display and select from the serial numbers for the component item being processed. When the list is activated, the system loads the list with the valid serial records for the component item. The component serial numbers displayed in the list are those that have a status of I (In Stock) and a warehouse location that matches the location in which the shop order is being processed.
Use the Mouse and the Select Button (or double click the mouse) to select the appropriate serial records from the Serial Number Selection List. As you select each component serial number, it will be displayed by the system in the Shop Order Serial Number Linker and the needed quantity in that program will be adjusted to show the current quantity of serial numbers required for the component in the selected top level serial number. The System will warn you (a No more needed message is displayed) if you attempt to input more serial numbers than are required. As you enter each component serial number, you should verify that none of the serial numbers are duplicated.
As each component serial number is linked to the top level serial record, the system updates the status of the serial record for the component to W (work in process), indicating that the item is in the assembly or work in process area) and it creates an SL Serial History record for the item/serial combination to indicate that it was linked to a shop order. The Serial record for the component is also updated with the unique id of the parent serial record (the top level item serial record) that the component has been linked to. The parent field allows the serial numbers for the serialized components, byproducts and top level items in the shop order to be permanently associated with each other for lookup and reporting purposes.