Shop Order Serialization

The Shop Floor System is fully integrated with the Stream Serialized Inventory System.  The Shop Floor System supports the tracking of serialized components and byproducts as they are consumed or produced by the assembly process, and it also supports the manual or automatic assignment of serial numbers to the serialized items that are being built using the system.

The following restrictions are placed on serialized item processing by the Shop Floor System

      The Shop Floor system allows you to process both serialized and non-serialized items.  Sales Track Only items (items with the Product Catalog Serial flag for the item set to “S”) are NOT supported.  The serial numbers for Sales Track only items may or may not exist in the system (based on any prior transactions for the items) and the serial numbers for the items cannot be verified during shop order processing.  Any top level items, components or byproducts used in the Shop Floor or Bill of Materials programs must have the Serial flag for the item set to “Y” (serialized) or to “N” (non-serialized).  The system will display an error message if you try to add a sales track only item to a Bill of Material or a Shop Order as a component, byproduct or as a top level part.   Please see the documentation for the Serialized Inventory system for more information about the different serialization options that are available in the system and the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

      The Shop Order System only supports the use of whole quantities when you are processing a serialized item.  This restriction helps to keep the on hand quantity of the item in each warehouse in agreement with the number of in stock serial numbers for the item in the warehouse.  You may NOT specify or process a partial quantity for a serialized item in the Bill of Materials or the Shop Order Management program.

      You may only include serialized components or byproducts in a bill of materials or a shop order if the top level item being built is also serialized.  The shop floor system links the serial records for the components and byproducts in a shop order to the serial record of the top level or parent item number being built, therefore the top level item must be serialized if any of the components or byproducts in the shop order are serialized.

      You may only identify an item as serialized if the item is a Stocking or Tracking item.  Nonstock items may not be set up as serialized items as the on hand quantity of these items is not tracked by the system.

Shop Order Serialization is done after the components for the shop order have been completely pulled and prior to completion.  You may not serialize the items on a shop order unless the shop order is completely pulled, and you may not complete a shop order until all of the required serial number detail has been input for the order.

The Basic steps for serializing a shop order are.

1.  Verify that the shop order you are serializing has been completely pulled.  You may not input the serial numbers for a shop order until all of the components have been pulled and the pull tickets for the shop order have been processed.  The pulled quantity should equal the total quantity in the shop order prior to inputting the serial number detail for the order.

2.  Create the Serial Numbers for the total quantity of the top level item that is being produced with the shop order.  The serial records for the top level items can be automatically created, or they can be input manually.

3.  Identify the serialized components and byproducts that are associated with each top level item and link them to the appropriate top level serial record.

The following sections describe how serialized items are handled during Shop Order processing in more detail.


Top Level Items

Component Serial Numbers

Byproduct Serial Numbers

Custom Serial Number Assignment