Consolidating vendors

This procedure is used when you wish to combine or consolidate the history for two vendors who are actually one and the same company.  This procedure is normally used when a duplicate vendor record is created in error.

This procedure is used when both the old and the new vendor name already exist in your vendor file.  When this procedure is performed, the system changes the status of the selected “old” vendor record to I or inactive, and it updates the transaction and other information that is associated with the old vendor with the new vendor name.  This has the effect of moving the history from the old vendor to the new vendor.  The old vendor record is retained in the system temporarily so that information that is stored in the old vendor record (text notes, etc), can be transferred to the new vendor record.  Once the consolidation has been completed, the old vendor record can be deleted from the system.

This procedure is a two step process.  A name change request record is first entered using the Vendor Name Changer program.  A Name Change processor program is then run and this processor program actually updates the vendor records and the other data that is associated with the vendor records.

1.  Determine which two vendor records should be combined together.  Verify that the two vendor records are actually the same company and that they should be consolidated (the consolidation process cannot be reversed once it has been performed!).  Determine which vendor you would like to use going forward (this is the new vendor company). 

2.  Select the Vendor Name Changer from the Vendor Utilities Menu.

3.  Locate and select the Vendor record to be changed.

4.  Enter the new Vendor name to be used for the vendor.  If the new vendor name exists, the system will warn you that you are consolidating the history for the vendors as described above.  If the new vendor name does not exist, the system will not warn you and you can save the name change request record.

5.  Run the Vendor Name Change Processor program.  Note:  The Vendor Name Change Processor program is normally set up to run automatically each night as part of the Job Processing System, and it is usually not necessary to run the program yourself.  The Processor program runs at night due to the fact that it may need to update large amounts of history for each vendor and due to the fact that transactions may be processed for the vendor during the day.


Reconciling Vendor Open Balances