In order to process credit cards automatically, at least one dedicated Credit Card Terms record must be created in the Terms Table, using the Terms Manager. Normally only one credit card Terms code is required, as other information in the system can be used to determine the card type being processed. Multiple terms records can be used.
The automated credit card Terms record(s) should be created with an automated processing code of 9 in the Terms record. The Automated Processing Code in the Terms record is used by the system the system to determine if the credit card fields in the order should be accessible, and if a credit card number and expiration date should be present in the order when the order is saved. When an order with automated credit card terms is saved, the system automatically attempts to authorize the credit card for the amount of the order. If the card can be authorized, the authorization number, authorization date and authorization amount are saved to the sales order. If the card cannot be authorized, a message is displayed to the operator indicating that the card could not be authorized and the reason returned by the credit card processor (invalid card number, invalid expiration date, etc.).