This section contains setup and installation information for the CRM System.
Text from cust detail not valid no insert option
If you accessed the Customer Detail program by using the Insert key or the Insert Button, the Customer Detail program will be activated, but a customer will not be displayed in the program. Instead, the Customer Detail program will load the Default Information that has been defined for new customer records. This information is obtained from a System Control record that can be maintained by your System Administrator.
The default information normally includes required information such as the shipping method and shipping terms for the customer, the default customer currency, sales rep, payment terms, credit limit and other information.
By using a combination of Customer Default information and field level security options, your accounting department can control critical fields and enforce company policy while still allowing other users to create new customers and enter orders for them independently.
For example, if the default terms and credit limit for a new customer are set to COD CASH and 500.00 and the customer status is defaulted to H (hold) and all of the fields are blocked by security, a sales person could be allowed to set up a new customer and enter an order for them. The Accounting or credit personnel can then verify the customer information prior to releasing the sales order (which automatically goes on account hold due to the new customer status), and the order can only be shipped COD CASH unless other terms are approved before shipment. This flexibility is very attractive in larger organizations where new customers need to be set up regularly and the credit department may not be able to respond quickly enough (or is out to lunch or unavailable sometimes).
From customer detail panel zoom should be short ref
and it can also be used to create new Customer Records.
Some of the information displayed in the Customer Detail program can be edited by the operator, and other information is maintained by the system and cannot be changed within the program. The ability of each operator to modify each of the editable fields in the program can also be restricted based on the field security options which have been set for the operator by the System Administrator.
The Customer Detail program is similar to the Customer Manager program and it is divided into several different components. These components include numerous individual data fields or windows and several Tab Pages which are used to organize fields into logical groups. The Tab Pages are briefly described below.
Information about the specific fields shown in the Customer Detail program (both the individual fields and those included on the Tab Pages) can be accessed using the Help button on the StreamV Standard Toolbar. The Help option will display the Field Specific Help Information for the selected field (if the field is accessible and can be selected), or allow you to display the Field list for the Company File (if no specific field is selected). The Field List displays all of the fields in the selected file and it allows you to select a field and then display the Field Specific Help Information for it.
Viewing or Editing Existing Customers
When a valid record is selected in the Customer Lookup program and the Zoom option is selected, the Customer Detail program is activated and loaded with the information for the selected customer. As already mentioned, your ability to edit the information that is displayed in specific fields in the program can be restricted based on system security settings. If you have rights to edit a field you may update it using the appropriate prompt object and selection list or by manually entering the information. Once you have made any required updates to the record you may save it using the Save key or the Save Button on the StreamV Standard Toolbar. If a required field is not loaded or the contents of a specific field cannot be validated by the program when you try to save it, the program will force you to load or correct the information in the field before the changes will be saved.
Creating a New Customer Record
Communications/Current Status Tab Page
The Communications/Current Status panel contains the phone and fax numbers for the company as well as other contact information for the company including the company website address and an email address for the BillTo location.
The Parent Company field is also on this panel. The Parent Company field is used to identify the parent company associated with the current company record. The field is used during accounts receivable payment processing to allow payments from the parent company to be applied to invoices for the child company. The field is very useful when you are dealing with multiple customers who are invoiced separately, but whose invoices are paid by a headquarters or parent company.
The right side of the Communications/Current Status panel displays several display only fields that are maintained by the system or are loaded or rebuilt using utility programs. These fields provide information about the current status of the customer.
Addresses Tab Page
The Addresses Tab Page contains the Customer Address fields and the Customer BillTo Address fields. The panel also contains a Map It button that can be used to display a map of the address using an Internet Link and a copy button that can be used to copy the Customer Address information to the BillTo Address fields.
The Customer Address is the default address for the company and is used for billing if no BillTo Address has been defined for the customer.
If a BillTo Address is defined for the customer, the BillTo Address is used when printing invoices for the company.
Sales Tab Page
The Sales Tab Page contains fields that are used during sales order processing such as the customer default price level, discount percentage and currency. It also includes the sales tax information for the customer and some web (internet) and sales representative information. Each of the fields in the panel is completely described in the Field Level Help system.
Accounting Tab Page
The fields displayed in the Accounting Tab Page consist of some accessible fields such as the default payment terms, credit limit, finance charge percentage and the default division and department. The Accounting panel also includes some historical or status information that is maintained by the system and cannot be modified.
Operations Tab Page
The Operations Tab page contains fields that are used to determine system behavior for the customer in the Order Entry program, and to identify if special options are used for the customer for billing EDI processing and during other processing. The Operations Tab page is also where the default shipping method and shipping terms for the customer are stored.
Demographics Tab Page
The Demographics Tab page contains demographic information for the customer including the source (where/how the customer was obtained), the customer SIC code, the question sets assigned to the customer (used by the Customer Profile System), and some code and filter fields that can be used for custom and standard reporting.
User Fields 1 Tab Page
User Fields 2 Tab Page
History Tab Page
Contacts Tab Page
ShipTos Tab Page
Incidents Button
Actions Button
Opportunities Button
Profile Button
Comments Button
Images Button
The Company Cross Reference Lookup program is used to view and edit the Cross Reference records for a specific Customer. The Customer Cross Reference Lookup program allows you to
View the Cross Reference records that have been created in the system for a specific Customer.
Edit existing Cross Reference records for a specific Customer.
Create new Cross Reference records for a specific Customer.
Cross Reference records allow you to associate one or more of your internal item numbers with the item numbers that are used by the companies that you do business with. Cross Reference records allow you to lookup and to select an item based on the item number that is being used by a specific customer, buying group (group of customers), vendor, or manufacturer. Cross Reference records can also be used to associate an internal alternate item number to a specific item in the Catalog file. Item Cross Reference information is described in more detail in the Overview section of this document.
The Customer Cross Reference Lookup can be activated from the Customer Manager or the Customer Management programs when a valid Customer record is loaded or selected in those programs.
When the Customer Cross Reference Lookup is activated, it will display the records that have been entered into the Cross Reference file for the selected Customer.
Zoom Cross Reference Detail Panel
When a valid record is selected in the Customer Cross Reference Lookup program and the Zoom option is selected, the system activates the Cross Reference Detail panel and it loads the panel with the selected Cross Reference Record. The Cross Reference Detail panel can be used to edit the Alternate Item Number and the Alternate Description fields in existing cross reference records. The panel can also be used to edit the Status, Ship Loc, EDI Code and the Code1 fields in each record or to delete an existing Cross Reference record from the Cross Reference file.
You may access more information about the Cross Reference Detail panel by accessing the panel and using the Help key to display the primary help documentation for the program.
Insert Create Customer Cross Reference Record
The Insert option allows you to create a new Customer Cross Reference record for the Customer that is selected in the Customer Cross Reference Lookup.
When the Insert option is selected in the Customer Cross Reference Lookup program, the system activates the Cross Reference Detail Panel and it loads the panel with the selected Customer, the Cross Reference record type (C to indicate it is customer cross reference record) and a default status of A for active.
Once the Cross Reference Detail Panel is displayed, you may select the Catalog item number for the new cross reference record by using the prompt key that is located next to the Item No field in the panel. This action will cause the system to activate the Catalog Lookup program. The Catalog Lookup program displays all of the records that have been entered into the Catalog file and it allows you to select a Catalog record using any of the several different display and search sequences that are available in the program.
Once you have selected a valid Catalog record, the system will load the Catalog Item and Description into the Cross Reference Detail panel. At this point, you may enter the alternate item number and alternate description (the item and description used by the customer) for the Catalog item and save the new record using the Save Key or the Save Button.
You may access more information about the Cross Reference Detail panel by accessing the panel and using the Help key to display the primary help documentation for the program.