When the Maintain Customer Cross Refererence option is selected from the More Options menu, the system executes the Cross Reference Lookup program and it loads the program with the cross reference items that have been set up for the selected customer. Customer Cross Reference Item records are used to associate customer specific item numbers to your in house inventory item numbers so that orders for the customer can be entered using the customer supplied number. Cross Reference Items are discussed in detail in the Overview section of this document.
The Cross Reference Lookup allows you to view, edit, create and delete customer cross reference item numbers.
You may view or edit existing cross reference items by selecting the appropriate record and using the ZOOM option. When the ZOOM option is selected, the system displays the Cross Reference Item Detail Detail. The Cross Reference Item Detail Detail displays detailed information about the cross reference record, and it allows you to update the record by making the required changes and pressing the SAVE Button.
You may create a new cross reference item by using the INSERT option in the Cross Reference Lookup
You may delete an existing cross reference item by selecting the appopriate record in the Corss Reference Lookup program and using the DELETE option.