Customer Manager

The Customer Manager is a powerful application which allows you to perform numerous tasks.  These tasks include:

      Creating, viewing, and editing customer and customer contact records. 

      Creating, viewing, and editing customer quotes, sales orders and “loaner” orders.

      Viewing customer sales order, invoice, and other transaction history and status information.

      Creating and Processing Opportunity, Incident and Actions records.

The Customer Manager program is divided into several different sections and it consists of several different components.   The Customer Manager program includes several lists or browse objects, as well as numerous Tab Pages and data entry windows.  Buttons in the lower section of the program also allow you to access different lookup and data entry programs directly from the Customer Manager.

The browses or lists display the Comments, Opportunity records and Action records that have been created for the selected customer.  Some of the data entry windows are included in the main panel or section of the program and the remaining widows or fields are accessed using the tabs displayed in the middle portion of the program. 

Each Tab page contains a group of fields and it also contains several buttons that are used to activate other programs such as Lookups or the Order Entry program.

The main panel in the Customer Manager is divided up into three sections.

The top section contains the customer name, account number and alternate account number information and the customer type and status fields.  Detailed information about each of these fields can be displayed by selecting the Field Help option that is available on the Right Mouse or Context menu.

The middle section of the program contains several tabs that are used to select the panel to be displayed.  These panels are described individually below.

The lower section of the Customer Manager contains 3 different browses or lists that display the Comments, Actions and Opportunities associated with the customer.  This section also contains several buttons which are used to access different programs.  These programs are used to display additional information associated with the company, or to enter a new order for the company.

The Other objects and options that are available in the Customer Manager are listed in the following sections.


Communications/Current Status Tab Page

Addresses Tab Page

Sales Tab Page

Accounting Tab Page

Operations Tab Page

Demo Tab Page

UserFields1 Tab Page

UserFields2 Tab Page

Contacts Tab Page

ShipTo Tab Page

History Tab Page

Advanced Tab Page

Comments List

Comment Detail

Opportunities List

Actions List

Invoices Button

Orders Button

Quotes Button

Enter New Order Button

Incidents Button

Profile Button

Returns Button

Field Data Change History

Extended Detail

Record Data Change History

Loaners Lookup

Buying Groups

Special Pricing

Cross Reference

Company Item Comments