Display and Search Sequences

The Ticket Billing Management program is a browse based program that allows you to display and locate the Pending records in your system using any of several different display and search sequences. A different system parameter file is used for each display sequence to allow you to display different data fields from the Pending record based on the display sequence being used. Each of the parameter or browse par files can be customized as required, but the first field in each par file is normally set to the primary field used by that display sequence (to indicate how the records are being displayed). An option also allows you to set the default display index for the program by operator.

The display sequences that are available in the Ticket Billing Management program include.

      Invoice Number  (All) Alt-1

      PO Number (All) Alt-4

      Ship Company (All) Alt-6

      Item Number (Open or Closed) Alt-7

      Company (Open or Closed) Alt-9

The All or Open or Closed refers to whether the index is used to display all records, or if the Open or Closed status Radio Buttons are supported by the index.  The Alt key combinations can be used

Selecting the Display Sequence

You may select the display and search sequence to be used by the Ticket Billing Management program using one of the following methods.

      You may use the Sort Button on the Cove Standard Toolbar to display and select from the options listed on the Sort menu.

      You may click on one of the column headers displayed in the program – this action will also display the sort menu and you may select the desired display sequence from the options listed on the Sort menu.

      You may use the Alt key combination for each sort sequence to select the desired sequence.


Status Radio Buttons