Displaying Broker Information in Lookup programs

This section describes how the system supports the display of Broker Item Information in the browse or list based programs in StreamV.

When a broker order line is processed, the inventory item in the sales order line is used only as a place holder, the information about the actual item being processed is stored in other fields in the sales order line, and in special AIC Comments that are created for the sales order line.  This differs from other order lines which “point to” the Catalog or Inventory record that is associated with the Item Number in the order line.  Since the broker item is generic, the description and manufacturer associated with it are not usefull for display purposes.

To allow display of the correct broker order line information in browse or list based programs, many programs have been enhanced to allow the operator to display the Manufacturer Item# and the Description associated with each broker sales order or purchase order line. 

The programs will display the Manufacturer and item description that are specified in the broker sales order line or AIC comment information for the sales order line when the item being processed is the broker item. 

The programs will display the manufacturer and description from the item record itself (from the Catalog record for the item), when the item being processed is not a broker item, or when the broker item information has not been entered by the operator.

The programs listed below use additional column options (special par file display options) to display the appropriate information for each line shown in the program.  These additional column options can be listed using the browse properties option that is available from the Config Button on the Cove Standard Toolbar.

Program                                             Display Options

Sales Order Entry                         703 Description        704 Manu Item#

Sales Order Lines Lookup               703 Description        704 Manu Item#

Requisition Management                701 Description        Manu Item# – PO Line

PO Entry                           701 Description        Manu Item# - PO Line

PO Lines Lookup                           703 Description        704 Manu Item#

Invoice Vendor Shipment               703 Description        704 Manu Item#      

Item PO Lookup                           703 Description        704 Manu Item#

PO for SO Lookup               703 Description        704 Manu Item#

Item Order Lookup              703 Description        704 Manu Item#

Item Sales Lookup              703 Description        704 Manu Item#

Invoice Lines Lookup           703 Description        704 Manu Item#

Invoices for SO Lookup                 703 Description        704 Manu Item#