Individual inventory items must be flagged or identified as serialized inventory items. There are two fields in the Inventory Master File which are used to indicate whether each item is serialized and to indicate whether the item is to be serialized upon receipt or only when it is sold. The Serial field in the Inventory Master File (file 70) indicates whether the item is a serialized inventory item. A "Y" should be entered into this field for all serialized inventory items. A blank or an "N" in this field indicates that the item is not a serialized inventory item. The Serial_Receipt field in the Inventory Master File (file 70) indicates whether the inventory item should be serialized as received into inventory or only as the item is invoiced to a customer. If a "Y" or a blank is entered into the Serial_Receipt field, the system will prompt the operator to input the serial number of the item when it is received into inventory, if a "N" is entered into the field, the system will not prompt the operator for serial number input as the item is received (it will only prompt the operator for serial number input when the item is invoiced).
Updated Design after 10/3/05 meeting
Drop support for serial receipt flag in both inventory and catalog.
Eventually use catalog only, for now use cat in vdf, inv in char and use norm logic to keep fields synched.
Serial flag in catalog will control going forward (char still uses inventory fields).
New values Y serialized, S (sales tracking only Invoicing/RA/Pending), N (not serialized).
Updated catpanel to accept Y,S, N in character catalog program
updated character screens to check serial only (Y means serial receipt) all fv026s and m programs, updated pending mgmt, overlays, ira, fv056m overlays, 712g02
if item sales track only no processing on adjustment, xfer (ra, invoicing, ift receipt, pending trans only) hold on this fv discussion topic.
vdf mods
vdf receiving code should be ok except for IFT (Y in serial now means on receipt).
invoicing change to allow update or create based on item flag (S means allow update)
returns on sales track only dont worry about location when updating existing from invoicing program (if status I, allow sale even if in diff whs due to xfer no track).
mods required in both.
block mods to serial flag after item create
code to synch catalog fields with inv serial fields, ID mismatches.
Serialized Inventory Programs
This section describes the VDF or Visual Dataflex Serialized Inventory programs. This section also describes the specific options which are contained in each of the Serialized Inventory programs and how each program should be used when processing transactions.
VDF programs are windows based programs and they are organized into modules. Each of the VDF modules will normally contain multiple programs and these programs can belong to one or more different applications. For example, the Accounts Payable module includes Accounts Payable programs, the Purchase Order Lookup (which is part of the Purchasing system), Journal Entry Lookups (from the General Ledger system), and Bank lookups (from the Bank System).
VDF programs are completely documented in the module that they are most closely associated with, and they are briefly referred to from other modules. The online help system will normally display the correct help topic for each program automatically, regardless of the module that the help system is called from.
VDF executables contain Pull down menus, which list the available programs in each module. The Pull down menus for a module are normally organized based on the program type. Typical Pull down menu options include Operations, Lookups, Reports, and Maintenance/Utilities. Other Pull down options that are specific to each module are also supported. The Pull down options that are available in each application are restricted based on your specific menu configuration and security options (what programs have been included in each menu and the operator rights that are have been defined in order to access them). The Menus in each application can be modified or customized by your System Administrator or by Cove Systems Personnel.
Note: This section describes the individual programs in the Serialized Inventory module and how they should be used. The information in this section is used to display program specific help in each of the Serialized Inventory programs. For more information about completing a specific task (which may require using several different programs), please see the Daily and Monthly Procedures sections of this document