The StreamV Serialized Inventory System allows you to track the serialized items that you process accurately and efficiently. The system is easy to use and highly automated. The Serialized Inventory System prompts for serial number input when required during receiving, invoicing, and other operations, and it validates the serial data as it is entered. The StreamV Serialized Inventory System supports multiple data entry methods, including manual entry, barcode scanning, and ASCII file import.
The serialized inventory programs are fully integrated with all modules in the StreamV System. Items are identified as “serialized” items during item setup. The serialized inventory programs are then called automatically as required by the system whenever serialized items are received, transferred, invoiced, or credited back into stock, so that the serial numbers being processed can be recorded or updated.
Wherever practical, the Serialized Inventory System has been designed to reduce required operator input. The system incorporates features such as bar code support and automatic incrementing of numeric serial numbers. The system also allows you to import serial information from files. Routines insure that the serial numbers being input are valid and that the transactions being processed are in line with the current status and availability of each item. This type of system integration and control reduces operator effort and error by prompting the user when additional information is required, and by informing the operator when an invalid transaction is about to be processed.
The Serialized Inventory programs record the status and activity of each serialized inventory item as it is received into inventory, built or consumed by production, transferred from one inventory location to another, sold to a customer, returned from a customer or returned to the vendor.
Detailed information about the current status and history of each serialized inventory item is easily accessible “on-line” from many different areas in the StreamV System, including invoice and purchase order lookups, shop order and inventory management programs, and the Serial Management program.
Images, documents, and comment records can be created and attached to Serialized Inventory or Serial History records, and this data is available from any of the documents or transactions associated with the serial number.
Configuration options allow for flexibility in the way that individual inventory items are processed. Individual items may be configured to require serial number input as the item is received or only as the item is invoiced to the customer.
Robust security options allow the system administrator to set up editing, insertion, and deletion rights on a global, group or user by user basis. All operators can be given the ability to view the status and history of serialized items, but the ability to change the displayed information can be restricted to authorized personnel.
Extensive and powerful lookup programs, as well as operational and management reports, provide the information needed to make fast and accurate decisions.
The system provides the user with multiple ways to review serialized inventory details. The Inquiry programs and reports also allow you to quickly review and research Serialized Inventory transaction history.
Serialized Inventory Operations Programs
Serialized Inventory Lookup Programs
Serialized Inventory Report Programs
Serialized Inventory
Maintenance/Utility Programs
Serialized Inventory Procedures