Gencode Record Format

Gencode Record Types  A Gencode record is a single database record in the Gencode file.  The information which is stored in each gencode record can vary based on whether the record is a title or a data type record, and based on how the specific gencode table is used by the applications in the system.  In general, all gencode tables contain a title record.  This title record is used to describe the record and to determine some of the validation behavior when the table is present.

Gencode Record Format - Each gencode record is composed of several different fields.  Some of these fields such as entered by, entered on, rev date, etc. are standard fields that are maintained in all data files.  Other fields in the gencode record are used for specific purposes.  These purposes or uses may differ based on whether the gencode record is a title or a data type record as shown In the following table.

Gencode Field Name



Title vs Data record field usage


8 character ASCII field

Unique identification for the gencode table.  Can be descriptive (ie “CURRENCY” or ‘COUNTRY”) or based on database file and field number (ie F54:30 where 54 represents the file number and 30 the field number to be validated within the file).  Can also be based on a specific program (ie 070R19BS defiines the valid breakpoints that are available in the report FV070R19 – You can often determine the table used for field validation by pressing the Prompt key from within the field that you wish to validate.

Used for same purpose in title and data records.  The field also links the title and data records to each other.



8 character ASCII field

The valid information that can be entered into the database field, or the validation method used for the table.

Used to validate field entry in data records.  In tile records, the field determines the validation method used for the table.  Valid options include

“---------“    Standard Validation (dashes)

“         “       Optional Validation         (blank)

“REQUIRED” Mandatory Entry


50 character ASCII field

The description appropriate to the table or data code field.

Stores description of table in title record (ap tax codes), and description of code information in data records (1099, Vat 1 7.5%)


15 character ASCII field

An abbreviated description of the code.  Not used in most cases.  Can be used to store formatting info (dashes) in title record (to make Console mode maintenance program easier to read) or secondary descriptive field in data records.This description can be up to 15 characters in length and is used in situations where the entire description cannot be displayed in a program due to space constraints. The Verify field is not used in all Gencode records. Whether or not information must be entered in this field is based on the specific program or programs which use the Gencode records.

Not used in most cases, can store secondary format in title record (to make Console mode maintenance program easier to read) or secondary descriptive field in data records

Title Flag

1 character ASCII field

Used to identify a title record (a Y is loaded into field).

Identifies the title record (Y in field or checkmark entered in indicator during setup in VDF application).  Not used in data type records (value is blank).)


10 character ASCII field

Variable information depending on record type and on how table is used.  In title records, this field is used as the title for the Data_1 field in the data records  Field may not be loaded at all in data records or may be loaded with specific information based on requirements of program(s) using the table

Title record – load with title to be used for DATA_1 field in data records.  Data records – load with information required for processing (an example would be the tax rate using the ap tax code example)  Field usage will differ based on how table is used by applications.


10 character ASCII field

Variable information depending on record type and on how table is used.  In title records, this field is used as the title for the Data_2 field in the data records.  Field may not be loaded at all in data records or may be loaded with specific information based on requirements of program(s) using the table

Title record – load with title to be used for DATA_2 field in data records.  Data records – load with information required for processing (an example would be the Autopost number of the account to be used when creating ap tax lines using the ap tax code example)  Field usage will differ based on how table is used by applications


10 character ASCII field

Variable information depending on record type and on how table is used.  In title records, this field is used as the title for the Data_3 field in the data records.  Field may not be loaded at all in data records or may be loaded with specific information based on requirements of program(s) using the table

Title record – load with title to be used for DATA_3 field in data records.  Data records – load with information required for processing (an example would be the Autopost number of the account to be used when creating ap tax lines using the ap tax code example)  Field usage will differ based on how table is used by applications

Data_4 – Data_8

Various ASCII and Numeric fields, lenghts

Variable information depending on record type and on how table is used.  In title records, this field is used as the title for the corresponding field in the data records.  Field may not be loaded at all in data records or may be loaded with specific information based on requirements of program(s) using the table

Title record – load with title to be used for corresponing field in data records.  Data records – information is specific to application using the table.


Generic Code Table Maintenance