History Tab Page

The History Tab Page displays sales and returns totals and other historical information for the selected customer.  The History Tab Page also displays the aged accounts receivables totals for the company.

The Sales Totals or Accumulators shown on the left side of the tab page are loaded on a regular basis (normally once a year for the yearly totals, and normally more often for the Trend total) using a utility program.

These sales totals display total sales for the customer for each of the last 3 years, plus a Trend total.  The Trend total or field is often used to compare current year sales (stored in the sales YTD field) against sales through the same period in the prior year (stored in the Trend field).  The Trend field is loaded by running the utility program and loading the total sales for the appropriate date range into the Trend field (for example, if you are in June 03, the YTD number for the customer reflects sales through June of this year, and the Trend total could be loaded with sales through June for the prior year).

The RA fields in the History Tab Page display returns totals for the selected customer.  These totals can be broken down by return category (defective goods, stock rotation, other),  if you have defined which return types (RA line item types) should be included in each category.

The Date Inactive field displays the date on which the customer status was changed to “I” or inactive, and this date is automatically updated by the system.

The Aging fields display the aged open accounts receivable totals for the customer.  These fields are loaded on a nightly basis by the Job Processor.  The number of days used for each aging bucket are determined by system parameters which can be customized as required.


Advanced Tab Page