Image, Sellwith Button       

The Image, Sellwith Button can be used to display the Image, Sellwith Tab Page.   The Image, Sellwith Tab Page allows you to view the main image (picture or document) associated with the current POS item.  The Tab Page also displays any items that are normally sold with the POS item and any warranty items that have been set up for the POS item.  The Image, Sellwith Tab Page is displayed automatically after an item is selected, so that you can view the image and ask the customer if they are interested in the Sellwith or Warranty items that are idenftified for the current item being purchased.  The Image that is displayed is the main or first image for the item.  Additional images (if present) can be viewed using the More Images Button on the Item Detail Tab Page.

Image Section

The Image Section in the Image, Sellwith Tab Page is used to display an image or photo of the item that is currently selected in the Point of Sale program.

SellWith Item Section

The SellWith Item section of the Image, Sellwith Tab Page displays any SellWith Items that have been defined for the item currently selected in the POS program.  Sellwith Items are associated with the Main item using the Catalog Manager program – which allows you to ID sellwith items for each Catalog record in your system.  If you select a Sellwith Item from this section of the program – using the mouse, the item will be added to the current POS sale or return.

Warranty Item Section

The Warranty Item Section displays any Warranty Items that have been entered into the system for the current POS item.  Warranty items are associated with the Main item using the Catalog Manager program, which allows you to define one or multiple warranty items for each Catalog Item.  If you select a Warranty item from this section of the program – using the mouse, the warranty item will be added to the current POS sale or return.


Item Detail Button