Inventory Count File

The Inventory Count file is a data file used exclusively by the count system.   Each of the records in the Inventory Count file contains the following fields.  There will be one record in the Count file for each bin location counted.

LOC: The Location field stores the inventory location that the record applies to. This field, combined with Item Number and bin field identify the specific item to which each count record applies.

ITEM_NO: The Item number field stores the inventory item number that the record applies to. This field is used along with the location field to identify the specific item to which each count record applies.

BIN: The bin location, in the warehouse location being processed that this count record is for.

QTY: The Quantity field stores the quantity of the item in the bin.  The Quantity field can be zero or greater than zero.

TICKET: The Ticket field is optional and is used to uniquely identify each count record, or set of count records, when an audited count is being performed or when multiple teams are counting inventory in the same location. 

NOTE: The Note field is optional and  may be used to store a short note about each count record.

Each record in the Inventory Count file also contains the standard fields which store information about the date on which each record was created and last edited, and the  operator who created and last edited the record.