The Inventory Lookup Button can be used to select the item number to be processed in the POS program. When the Inventory Lookup Button is pressed, the system displays the Inventory Lookup program. The Inventory Lookup program displays the inventory items that are present in your default POS location and it allows you to display and search for a specific item number using the several different display and search sequences that are available in the program. Once you have located the item number to be added to the POS sale or return being processed, you may select the item using the Select Button that is located in the Inventory Lookup program, or you may double click the item. These actions will return the item to the POS program. If the selected item is a serialized item, the system will also prompt you for the serial number being sold or returned as the item is selected. If a valid serial number is entered, the item is added to the Invoice Detail section in the POS program. If no valid serial number is entered, the system will not add the item to the POS invoice.