Main Workspace

Once you have logged into StreamV using the Operator Login Panel, the Main Workspace is displayed.  The Main Workspace contains Pull Down Menus that can be used to select the specific modules (such as Accounts Receivable), sub-menus (such as Operations or Lookups), and applications or programs (such as Payment Entry) that are included in the StreamV system.  As you select an application from the Modules Menu, the appropriate submenus for the module are automatically displayed in the workspace.

The Main Workspace also contains other pull down menus that are not specific to modules or applications such as the File Navigate and Window menus.  

The Main Workspace displays the applications that you are currently using in maximized or minimized form.  Navigation in the Main Workspace is primarily done using the Mouse.

Once a specific application has been selected from one of the menus, the application or program (such as the Customer Management program), will be displayed in the workspace.  If you have multiple applications or programs open in the StreamV system, you may use the mouse to switch between the applications and to maximize or minimize the open windows.

Your ability to switch between programs or applications is based on the type of application being used.  If you are in a view or top level program – such as the AR Invoice Lookup, you can switch between that view and another view.  If you are in a dialog such as a detail panel or in a line item lookup, you may not be able to switch windows and must close the current dialog or lookup before switching to a different window.


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