
The ManuPriceMinGpmForce option allows you to force the manufacturer price for each order line to meet the minimum gpm percentage that is specified for each inventory item.

When this option is enabled, the manufacturer prices calculated by the system are adjusted when required to meet the minimum margins defined for the item.  The other price calculations do not adjust the price to meet the margin specified in the inventory item.

The format of the Longcode record used for this option is






{Customer Account Number}




 Manufacturer Name


Inventory Product Line (optional)


Inventory Item Number (optional)


Y or N (determines if the system adjusts the prices calculated by the system to meet the minimum margin defined in the Inventory Item record.

The Manufacturer and Manufacturer Buying Group price calculations default to not use the minimum margin logic.  When the manufacturer price is calculated by the system, the system checks for the above records during order entry in the following sequence and it uses the first record found.  This behavior allows you to include or exclude certain customers, items and product lines from the minimum margin adjustment.

Check for record for the Company Account/Manufacturer Name/Prodline and Item

Check for record for the Company Account/Manufacturer Name/ and Prodline

Check for record for the Company Account/Manufacturer Name

Check for record for the Company (this allows you to force minimum margins for a specific customer and all manufacturers).

The system then takes the value from the first record it finds and it uses this to set an indicator to determine if the manufacturer price should be adjusted to meet the minimum margin for the item when required.


Forcing a Manufacturer Price