Pending Programs - Warehouse Management

The Pending programs that are included in the Warehouse Management System are used to view, manage and process items that have been returned by customers for credit, repair or replacement, and to handle exceptions during Inter-Facility Transfer processing.  These programs are described completely in the documentation for the Warehouse Management  System.

Pending Management

The Pending Management program is used to view and to process Pending records that are created by the RA system to handle repairs and returns situations.  When the Credit to Pending option is selected in the RA system, the RA system creates a credit for the customer, it returns the items from the customer into stock, and then it creates and invoices a  Loaner sales order for the items being processed.  As the Loaner sales order is completed, a Shipper type invoice is created, and a type P Pending record is created for each item being processed.  The Pending records can be used to process repairs or returns for the items, once the disposition of the items is known.

IFT Management

The IFT Management program is used to view and to manage Inter-Facility Transfers or “IFT” transactions and to deal with IFT exception processing.  Inter-Facility transfers are used to move inventory quantities between your remote inventory locations. IFT transactions are normally processed by Purchasing, Order Fulfillment, and Receiving personnel using the PO Entry, Invoicing, and the Receiving programs.   As IFT shipments are processed from the source location, the system creates type “I” Pending records to track the items that are in transit.  The Pending records can be closed out by receiving them in the destination location.  The IFT Management program displays the IFT Pending records in your system and it allows you to write off or return to inventory IFT items that are in transit when it becomes necessary to do so.

Pending Lookup

The Pending Lookup Program is used to display all of the records in the Pending file, regardless of the Doc Type in the Pending record.  The Pending Lookup can be used to display open and closed Pending records in Company, Ship Company or Invoice Number order.  The Pending Lookup program allows you to view all Pending record Document Types, and access the Pending Detail Panel, the Serial information for each Pending record and the Catalog information for each Pending record.  The Pending Lookup program does not allow you to process Pending transactions from within the program.

Pending Detail Panel

The Pending Detail Panel is used to display the detailed information that is stored in each Pending record.  The Pending Detail Panel is also used to edit selected information in the Pending record.  This information includes the quantity and price to be used during  transaction processing.  The Images, Comments and Serial Detail for each Pending record may also be viewed and or edited from inside the Pending Detail Panel