Pending Transaction Types

This section describes the Inventory Activity or Inventory Transaction records that are created by the system each time a Pending transaction is processed.  The Inventory Activity for each item or the In

The Inventory Activity records listed below will all affect the balance in your Pending Subledger, and some of the transactions also affect the balance in your Inventory Subledger

Transaction Types which affect the Pending Sub-ledger

Transaction Type



Direct Shipper.  A DS Inventory Activity record is written when a Shipper Invoice is created without an associated sales order.  This option existed in a prior version of the system and is not supported in StreamV.  A DS transaction will  increases the value in Pending and decrease the value in Inventory.


Order Shipper.  Written when a Loaner type sales order is completed in the Order Invoicing program.  The OS transaction removes the items being processed from inventory and adds them to the Pending file.  An OS transaction will increase the value in Pending and decrease the value in Inventory.


Pending Adjustment.  This Inventory Activity record is created when a Pending record is written off to a General Ledger Account.  A PA transaction will decrease the value in Pending.  No change is made to Inventory.  The Journal Entry created by the system for each PA transaction is recorded in the Journal Entry field of the Inventory Activity record.


Pending Invoice.  A PI Inventory Activity record is created when a Pending record is invoiced to a customer, rep or trade show.  The items being processed are removed from Pending and a sale is recorded to the entity being invoiced.  A PI transaction decreases your Pending Value and the Inventory Value in the GL by the amount in the Pending records being invoiced.  A PI transaction does not affect the Inventory value in the Inventory subledger.


Return Disposition.  An RD record is created when items sent back to a vendor are used to create a negative invoice for the vendor.  The Pending records are closed, and the RD records are automatically written and then attached to the AP Invoice being created.


Return to Inventory.  The system creates an RI Inventory Activity record when an item in Pending is returned to inventory.  The Pending record is closed and the inventory quantity is increased.  Any difference between the cost of the item in Pending and the average cost of the item in inventory is charged to a gain or loss account (so that the inventory cost for each item is not changed due to items being loaned out).  An RI Transaction decreases Pending by the cost recorded in the Pending record and it increases Inventory by the average cost (in inventory) for the item being processed.  The difference is charged to a gain or loss account in the GL.


Vendor Ship to Pending.  A Type VP Inventory Activity record is written when a Vendor shipment item is added to a Loaner order, and the order is completed,  The Vendor Ship to Pending records the fact that items were sent directly from the Vendor to the Customer and that the customer was not charged for the items.  The Vendor Ship to Pending record is also used to verify and process the AP Invoice for the shipment when the invoice is received from the Vendor.  The VP records are used to match the Inventory transactions for the shipment to the Vendor Invoice for the shipment (using the 3 way matching process described in the AP System).   A VP Inventory Activity record increases the value in Pending and in your Inventory GL Balance.  The Inventory subledger is not adjusted.

Balancing Formula for Pending Sub-ledger

Note: RD, PI , PA  and VP total is obtained by taking ref qty * cost from Invtran record.  OS, DS, and RI total is obtained by taking qty * Cost from inventory transaction record.

Ending Pending Balance = Beginning Pending Balance - DS - OS - RI + RD + PI + PA + VP transactions.  The Pending Activity report


Depreciating Stock