PO Features

The StreamV Purchasing System automates the critical process of replenishing inventory to meet demand.  Purchasing requirements are calculated automatically by the system based on customer orders, inventory quantities and minimum stocking levels, and production needs.  The purchasing system integrates these diverse purchasing needs and it produces a PO Recommendations report with reorder suggestions that are critical for correct purchasing decisions.  The Stream V purchasing system provides the tools to efficiently manage the purchasing activities of both single and multi-location distribution environments.

Multiple purchase order types (purchase orders, requisitions, and requests for quotation) and replenishment methods allow the system to support normal or warehouse shipments, special order items, factory or vendor drop shipments, and purchases for in house consumption.  Purchase order requisitions (suggestions) are created automatically by the system for vendor drop shipments and for special order items during Sales Order Entry and these requisitions are automatically linked to the sales orders that created the purchasing requirement.  Requisitions can also be created automatically for stocking or “normal” items based on inventory on hand, reserved, and on order quantities and the minimum stocking levels defined for each item.  Requisitions for these items are not linked to specific sales orders but they can be created automatically as required by running the PO Recommendations report. 

Once PO requisitions have been created, operators can use the PO Requisition Management program to quickly review, and modify the requisitions as required.  The Requisition Management program is a highly functional and efficient program which allows the operator to view purchasing and sales history as they are processing requisitions.  Once the PO requisitions have been reviewed and changed as required, the operator can quickly convert the requisitions to purchase orders with a minimum amount of effort.

Purchasing lead times can be specified by item or by item and vendor (using the QVL file) and the purchasing lead days value is automatically used by the system to calculate the estimated shipment and arrival dates stored in each purchase order line.  The dates stored in each purchase order line can be modified as required (manually or using an EDI or other process) to provide accurate information about expected delivery dates.  The estimated arrival dates for each purchase order line can be viewed by all operators using the Sales Order Entry and/or the Inventory Lookup programs.

The Stream V Purchase Order Entry program has been optimized for fast and easy entry of purchase orders, requisitions and requests for quotations.  Purchase order prices are defaulted by the program based on inventory costs, vendor information, or special pricing information.  Detailed purchasing history for individual inventory items can be accessed on-line during PO Entry.  Requisitions can easily be converted to requests for quotations and purchase orders or vice-versa, eliminating the need for repetitive data entry.  Users can be restricted to the type of documents they are able to create or edit, providing assurance that only legitimate purchase orders are produced.

Numerous on-line inquiry screens and reports allow fast and easy access to vendor, requisition and purchase order information.  The easy to use inquiry screens provide multiple sequence selections, search capabilities and single keystroke expansion to display underlying detail.  The standard purchasing reports, which include the Purchasing Recommendations report, offer exceptionally flexible selection, sequence and output options.  As with all Cove Systems' reports, output can be routed to the screen, to file, or to local or remote printers.

For the completely paperless office, StreamV Purchasing is able to convert sales orders directly into requisitions and purchase orders.  Additionally, output can be prepared for transmission via EMAIL or EDI for other systems to use as order input for a truly paperless operating environment.

When combined with StreamV Receiving, the Purchasing system captures and maintains comprehensive historical purchasing and receiving information to assist you in making cost-effective and timely purchasing decisions.  Historical information may be analyzed by vendor, item, product line, and purchase order type, using the wide range of reports provided, the ad-hoc report writer, or by exporting the data to your favorite spread sheet program.

•      Flexible PO Entry

•      Enter Purchase Orders on-line.

•      Access to detailed inventory information during PO Entry, including last purchase date and last purchase price.

•      Displays detailed prior Purchase Order History for an individual item during PO entry. 

•      Line item prices can be defaulted based on special pricing information or based on the last, average, next or standard cost stored in each inventory record. 

•      Control of order date, required date, cancellation date, and promised date of delivery for each PO line item.

•      Previously entered purchase requisitions or Requests for Quotation can be converted to purchase orders in the program, eliminating repetitive data entry.

•      Automated Requisition Creation for Warehouse Replenishment Items

•      Requisitions are may be automatically created by the system using the Purchase Order Recommendations Report for products required to replenish inventory. 

•      Requisitions are created for the "default" vendor of record, based on the information stored in the Inventory Master record for the product being processed.

•      Automated Requisition Creation for Special Order Items

•      The Sales Order Entry program automatically creates purchase requisitions for special order items as each order is being saved. This process is called On-Line Requisitioning

•      Purchasing is notified immediately when sales orders are generated for special order items.

•      Automated Requisition Creation for Vendor Shipment Items

•      The Sales Order Entry program automatically creates purchase requisitions for vendor shipments as each order is being saved.

•      Information from the sales order (such as the shipping address, purchase order number, etc.) is automatically moved into the purchase orders that are created for the sales order.

•      Purchasing is notified immediately when sales orders are generated for vendor shipment items

•      Requisition Management Screen

•      Presents the operator with an overview of all open purchase requisitions.

•      Requisitions can be sorted by buyer, by buyer/vendor, by buyer/sales order number, or using several other sequences. 

•      Purchase Requisitions can be consolidated and modified in the program.

•      Requisitions can be selected and converted into purchase orders quickly and efficiently. 

•      Requires the least amount of operator input and offers the greatest efficiency for processing purchasing transactions

•      Plain Paper Purchase Order

•      Easily configured.

•      Print both Purchaser's and Vendor's item number on Purchase Orders.

•      Vendor Shipments

•      Issue Purchase Orders for goods to be drop shipped directly to your customer or another authorized location.

•      Correctly track average weighed cost for factory shipment

•      Security

•      Multiple levels of security for changing or deleting existing Purchase Orders, via automatically assigned "editing codes".

•      Restrict users to creating/editing specific document types.

•      Revision Control

•      Edited Purchase Orders are automatically given a new "version" code for ease in tracking.

•      Detailed change history is maintained for each purchase order header and line item record.

•      Automated Data Defaults

•      Automated default of Payment Terms, Shipping Terms, and Shipping Method for each Vendor.

•      Default G/L Account to charge PO line to.

•      Comments

•      Attach comments to each Purchase Order Header, as well as to any line of a Purchase Order.

•      Store vendor/item specific comments for automatic inclusion.

•      Purchasing Contact Tracking

•      Automated entry of Vendor Contact and Buyer.

•      Track who originated the PO, who approved it, and when.

•      Integrated

•      Fully integrated with Receiving, Accounts Payable, Order Entry and Inventory Control.

•      Allows for the production of sophisticated Purchase Order Recommendations reports, with all Inventory Locations taken into account.

•      Sophisticated Pricing Support

•      Provides access to multiple vendor price tables.

•      Automatically calculates best vendor price for quantity ordered.

•      Support for optional vendor specific pricing overlays.

•      Vendor/Manufacturers Number Support

•      Automatically cross references manufacturers and vendor item numbers.

•      Print vendor item number on purchase order.

•      Contract Number Tracking

•      Support pricing based on vendor purchasing contracts for special pass through pricing for specific customers.

•      Extensive On-line Inquiry Screens

•      Eliminate excessive and wasteful running of reports.

•      Keep operators productive.

•      Ad Hoc Report Generators

•      Access any data in the purchasing system and relate it with data from other StreamV modules.

•      Export data to a wide variety of formats.

•      Prepare reports using point and shoot selection screens or directly enter SQL commands.

•      Electronic Transmission

•      Easily send purchase orders, requisitions and requests for quotation as Email attachments.

•      FAX purchase orders, requisitions and requests directly to vendors, individually or in batches.

•      Transmit purchase orders, Requisitions and requests directly to vendors, individually or in batches for direct use as sales orders.

•      Eliminate multiple data entry and associated keying errors.

•      Extensive Reporting

•      Reports can be output to screen, disk file, local or remote printers, or emailed directly out of the system.  Report templates can be set up for frequently used reports and report selections.

•      Extensive selection criteria and output sequence choices.

•      Print Purchase Orders.

•      Purchase Orders by Vendor/Item.

•      Purchase Orders by Item/Vendor.

•      P/O History by Vendor.

•      P/O History by Item.

•      P/O Report.

•      P/O Report by Vendor.

•      P/O Recommendations

Integrated with the Warehouse Management System: Inventory quantities, last received dates, and serial number information is updated automatically by the Purchasing System, assuring the most accurate on-line and up to date inventory information is available at all times.

Integrated with the General Ledger System: P/O receipts are automatically posted to the general ledger based on the product line that each item is assigned to.  The system also posts the value of items received into the warehouse (and shipped directly to your customers by your vendors) to an “unvouchered inventory” or “inventory liability” account.  This allows you to track the total amount of receipts that have been processed on the system and that have not been matched to vendor accounts payable invoices.

Integrated with the Accounts Payable System:  Purchase Order receiving transactions are matched to the appropriate accounts payable invoices during accounts payable processing, and any variances between the vendor invoice amount and the amount of inventory received must be accounted for as each invoice is processed.  This 3 way matching process ensures that you maintain accurate cost information in your inventory and that you don’t pay vendors for items you did not receive.

Integrated with the Vendor Management System:  The Purchasing System automatically defaults the appropriate vendor information (terms, shipping method, currency, special costs, comments) into the Purchasing System during processing.

Integration with the Order Processing System: The system automatically creates po requisitions for any special order or vendor shipment sales order lines during order entry, and it blocks the deletion of the associated sales order lines, once the PO Requisitions have been converted to Purchase Orders.  The System also blocks issuing purchase orders for sales orders that are on hold.  Current on order quantities and purchase order details (including estimated arrival dates) are available from multiple places throughout the StreamV Application)


PO Overview