Purchasing Info Tab Page

The Purchasing Info Tab Page displays several fields from the Vendor record that are used when issuing purchase orders to the vendor or when entering accounts payable invoices for the vendor.   The fields that are displayed in the Purchasing Tab Page are individually documented in the Field Help System and are briefly highlighted below.

Payment Info:  The information in the Payment Info section includes the default payment terms for the vendor, the credit limit that your company has with the vendor, and the tax id number associated with the vendor.  The payment terms field is a table driven field and you may use the prompt option to display and select from a list of the valid payment codes that have been defined on the system.

The tax rate field displayed in the Purchasing Info Tab Page is used for reference only.  The tax rate that is applied to vendor invoices is actually based on the Taxcode that is used for the vendor and for each of the invoices that are entered for the vendor (please see the Overview section of the Accounts Payable Documentation for more information about Accounts Payable Tax Processing).   The Taxtype field can also be used to classify vendors for tax purposes, but it is not automatically used by the system.

The Autopay Checkbox is used by the Accounts Payable System to determine if computer checks should be automatically generated for the vendor when payments are processed.   If the Autopay flag is checked (set to Y), the system will include invoices for the vendor in a payment processing run (as long as the vendor invoices meet the other selection criteria specified for the payment run).  If the Autopay flag for the vendor is not checked (ie set to N),  the system will not produce a check for invoices for the vendor unless the vendor is specifically selected in the Payment Manager program.

The Statement flag can be used to indicate if the vendor sends you a statement on a regular basis.

Default PO Info:  Contains more information that is used when purchase orders are issued to the vendor.  The fields that are displayed in this section include the default shipping method and shipping terms that are used when purchasing from the vendor, a backorder and partial flag that indicate if backorders or partial shipments are accepted from the vendor and the default currency and PO Method for the vendor.  The Shipvia, Viaterms and Currency fields are all table driven and you may use the prompt option to display and select from a list of the valid entries for each of these fields.  The Vendor PO Method is used to identify vendors that process IFT transactions or “Inter-Facility Transfers”.  IFT Vendors should be entered with a PO Method of “T”.  Other vendors should have a value other than T.

Default Charge To:  The Default Charge To section displays the general ledger account and subaccount to be used as the default for the vendor when distributing accounts payable invoices.  If a value is entered in these fields, the system will automatically suggest the specified general ledger account as you are distributing accounts payable invoices for the vendor.   The Set Button that is located next to this field allows you to display the AccDes Selection List so that you may select a valid general ledger account from the list.  The Clear Button can be used to clear the existing default account for the vendor.

The remaining fields in the Purchasing Tab Page include the AP Clerk field which defines the operator who is assigned as the primary contact or clerk for handling transactions with the vendor and the AP Autopost that is used for the vendor.  The AP Autopost field is an optional, table driven field that can be used to define the accounts payable autopost or subledger that the invoices for the vendor should be included in.  If you maintain more than one accounts payable sub-ledger, the appropriate sub-ledger should be specified in the AP Autopost field.  If you maintain a single accounts payable sub-ledger, the validation table for the field should not be present and you may leave the field blank.

Please note: You may use the Field Help option that is located on the Standard Tool Bar to display database help information about each of the fields shown in the program.


Statistics Tab Page