Purchasing Tab Page

The Purchasing Tab Page is used to maintain and display purchasing information for the Catalog item.  This purchasing information includes the manufacturer of the item and the default vendor that the item is purchased from and other fields.  Detailed help information for each of the fields displayed in the Purchasing Tab Page is available using the field help option, so only a brief description of the most commonly used fields is presented here.

Manu Name/Default Vendor: The Manufacturer and Default Vendor fields are required fields and the valid entries for the fields are restricted to the Manufacturer and Vendor records that have been entered into your system.  The prompt buttons located on the right side of these fields can be used to display the appropriate selection list so that a valid Vendor and Manufacturer company can be selected for the item.

Purchase Code:  The Purchase Code field is a user definable field that supports optional Gencode Validation.  This field can be used to classify items for purchasing purposes, and it can be used as a selection on some reports.

There are several date fields underneath the Purchasing Code field.  Some of these fields are automatically maintained by the system and some of the dates can be edited or manually maintained by the users.  The date fields are.

Last Rec Date: The Last Received Date:  This field which is display only and automatically maintained by the system, stores the last date on which the catalog item was received into your inventory.  This date is updated by the PO/Inventory Receiving program.

Ordr Date:  The date on which the item was last ordered from one of your vendors.  This field is manually maintained in the Catalog file.

Due Date:  The Due Date:  This field which can be manually updated, stores the date on which the item is due to be received.  This field can be useful for new items that have not yet been entered on purchase orders (purchase order lines each also store an expected arrival date).  The due date in each Inventory or Warehouse record is automatically updated by the system when a purchase order receipt is processed for the item.

Buyer:  The default buyer for the item – the system allows you to define the buyers for each item at multiple different levels in the system.  Please see the documentation for the Purchasing system for more information about the Buyer logic used by that system.

Product Manager:  The initials of the operator responsible for the product.

Freight Addcode/Addrate:  The Freight Addcode and the Freight Addrate fields are used together and they allow you to add supplemental costs (a dollar or percentage amount) to the cost of the items that you receive.  This option is described in detail in the documentation for the Warehouse Management System (PO/Inventory Receiving Overview section).

Nextcost:  The cost (vendor price) for the item the next time it is purchased.  This field is manually maintained based on information from your default vendor for the item.

StdCost:  Allows you to maintain a standard cost for the item that can be different than the cost used for purchasing or for commissions.  The field is manually maintained.

Next Stdcost:  The next standard cost to be used for the item.  This field is manually maintained.  The Next Stdcost Date field can be used along with this field to indicate when the next standard cost becomes effective.

Last StdCost:  The last standard cost used for the item.  This field is manually maintained.  The Last Stdcost date field is can be used along with this field to indicate when the standard cost for the item was last changed.

Solesource:  The Solesource flag is used to indicate if the item can be purchased from vendors other than the default vendor for the item.  If the Solesource flag is set to Y, the PO Entry program will only allow the item to be entered on a purchase order for the default vendor for the item.  If the Solesource flag is set to N (not checked), the item can be ordered from vendors other than the default vendor for the item.


Userfields Tab Page