The RA Lines Tab Page displays the line items for the RA that is being created or edited.
The RA Lines Tab Page contains a browse based program that lists the line items that have been created for the selected RA. The information that is displayed for each ra line item in the RA Lines Tab Page can be customized based on a system parameter, but it normally includes the following information.
RA#: The RA number currently being entered or edited. The RA Number will be a temporary number if you are creating a new ra and have not yet saved the record. If you are editing an existing return authorization, the permanent RA number assigned to the ra will be displayed.
Ln#: The RA Line Number.
St: Status. The Status of the ra line item. Valid status codes include 0 (open), I (in stock), C (closed – ie disposed of), D (deleted – not disposed of).
Item: The item being returned.
Qty: The quantity being returned by the customer
Rec: The quantity of the ra line already received into one of your warehouse locations.
Disp: The quantity of the ra line that has been disposed (the quantity of the line that was credited to the customer).
Return Value: The default price that will be used on any credit issued to the customer for the returned goods. This is normally the price from the invoice from which the ra was created.
Replace Value: The default price that will be used on any replacement orders created for the ra. This price is also normally determined from the invoice line used to create the ra.
CommCst: The commission cost associated with the ra line. This value is defaulted based on the invoice line that the ra was created from.
Inv#: The invoice number from which the ra line was created.
Ln#: The invoice line number from which the ra line was created.