Rebate records are used to store the rebate amounts that are available to your company. Rebate records are used whenever the order line being processed qualifies for the rebate based on the item, quantity being ordered and the date of the order, and when the price for the order line is not obtained from a non-rebate special price record (Customer, Buying Group, GSA, SALE, QTY price).
When setting up a rebate record, the operator first specifies whether the rebate is a general (applies to all customers), buying group (applies to members of the buying group), or customer specific rebate. Once the operator specifies the type of record being created, the system automatically prompts for the name of the buying group or customer (if necessary) and it loads the company field in the special price record based on the selections made by the operator.
Once the company, buying group or general has been selected, the operator specifies the beginning and end date for the rebate, the amount of the rebate in local currency, and the rebate status (active or standby). Active status rebates are automatically used by the system when they are available. Standby rebates are normally selected manually during order entry (there are advanced options – described later in this document that allow you to treat standby records as active).
Once the operator has set the valid dates, rebate amount and rebate status for the new record, they should set the instant display field in the record as appropriate. The instant display field is described in detail earlier in this document. The Instant display flag in a Rebate record determines if the system adjusts the price and the commission cost in the sales order line being processed by the rebate amount or if the system should just record the rebate without adjusting the price and commission cost for the order line.