Re-Posting Sales

This procedure should be performed when invoices have been edited, modified or deleted after the sales posting process and those modifications impact the general ledger.   This procedure is used to reverse the journal entry which was created when the invoices were originally posted and to create a new journal entry to record the updated amounts.

1.  Determine the date range to be re-posted.  Invoices are posted in batches by invoice date and sales postings must therefore be reversed in the same manner.  If you need to re-post sales for a specific date range, all invoices in that date range must be re-posted.  If the date that you need to re-post was posted along with other invoices with different dates, then all invoices included in the original posting run must be re-posted.  For example, if you need to re-post sales for February 2nd and the invoices for that date were posted along with the other invoices dated between February 1st and February 5th, then you will need to re-post the entire date range from the 1st thru the 5th.

2.  Identify the journal entry number or numbers which were originally used to post the sales that are being re-posted.  You can determine this information based on hardcopy reports produced when the sales were originally posted, or you can determine this information by looking at the post run field of the type OI, DI, or FC invoices in the date range to be re-posted (Note: The sales posting program only processes these three invoice types, the post run field of any other invoice types stores other information and will not point to a sales posting journal entry).

3.  Select the Journal Entry program from the General Ledger Menu and verify or change the accounting year, period, and post date as required.  The year, period, and post date should normally be changed to the same values that were used when the original sales posting was performed but this can be modified as necessary by the operator.

4.  Use the “Recall journal entry” feature in the Journal Entry program to reverse the journal entry which was used to post the sales that are being re-posted.  Once you press the Alt + R keys in the journal entry program it will prompt you for the journal entry to be read into the program and it will also prompt you to indicate whether the original journal entry amounts should be kept, zeroed out, or reversed.  You should enter the appropriate journal entry number when prompted and then press the R key to reverse the journal entry amounts (this changes all debit amounts from original entry to credit amounts and vice versa).  Once you have confirmed that the correct journal entry has been loaded and that the amounts have been reversed you should enter any relevant comments and save the new journal entry.

5.  Select the Prepare to Re-post Sales program from the AR Utilities Menu.  The Prepare to Re-post Sales program clears the Post Run field of the selected invoices so that they can be loaded into the Sales Posting Temp file.  The Sales Posting Loader program will not load a type OI, DI or FC invoice into the Temp file if the post run field is filled in, so this step must be completed before sales for a date range can be re-posted.  Once the Prepare to re-post sales program is displayed you should enter the appropriate invoice date range and press the ENTER key to begin processing.

6.  Post the sales using the procedures listed in the Sales Posting section of this document.


Printing Statements