The Sales Tab Page is used to display and maintain Inventory Price Level pricing and other information that is stored in each Catalog record.
Price Level Information
Each Catalog record contains numerous price level fields. These price levels include the List or Retail price for the item (which should be the highest price for the item) and additional price levels 1-9 and A. Each Catalog record also contains several GPM fields (one for each price level). The GPM fields can be used to automatically default the price levels for a Catalog record based on a specific cost in the item and the percentages loaded into each of the GPM fields. This option is enabled using the Automargin field that is shown in the panel and by setting some system parameters.
The Price levels that are supported in the Catalog file are also supported at the Inventory level and the system is normally configured to copy the Catalog pricing information to any Inventory records that exist for the Catalog record (this behavior is based on the inventory normalization logic that you are using on your system – which is described in the overview section of this document.). Which of these price levels are used by your company, and whether or not these prices are used when inventory items are being created in specific warehouses, is based on how your system is configured. The Inventory Price levels are only one of the several different types of customer pricing that is supported by the system. Customer Pricing options are described in more detail in the documentation for the Special Pricing (SP) system.
Other Information
The other Catalog information that can be viewed or edited in the Sales Tab Page includes the following items Only a brief description of each of the items shown in the panel are presented here. Additional information about each of these fields displayed in the panel can be accessed using the field help system.
Taxable Flag: Determines if the item is taxable or not. A check should be entered in this checkbox if the item is taxable.
Bocode: Indicates if the item can be backordered. A check should be entered in this checkbox if the item can be backordered. If the box is not checked and an order is entered for the item when it is not available, the system will automatically cancel the order line.
Restricted: Indicates if the item is restricted for some reason (export restrictions, hazardous material, etc).
Commission Cost: The cost of the item that is used when calculating commissions for sales people or when displaying margin information in the order entry program.
MinGPM: The minimum gpm that must be met when selling the item based on the item commission cost. The minimum gpm for each item is used by the system when determining whether to hold a sales order due to low margin, and it is also used by the Special Pricing system when calculating the target price in sales order entry. The minumum gpm in each catalog record is normally copied to all inventory records for the product.
Other Classification fields: The Sales Class, Sales Category, Shipcode, Market, and Web Status fields are all table driven fields that can be used to classify Catalog records.
Warn Quantity: The Warn Quantity field can be used to display a warning in sales order entry when an order line is entered that has a quantity equal to or higher than the quantity specified. This prevents selling an invalid quantity (i.e. 10000000) of an item, or could be used to block large sales of an item that is hard to obtain (i.e. limit sales to quantity of 5).