This section describes the procedures for serializing or recording the serial numbers associated with a shop order.
The basic rules for shop order serialization are as follows.
If serialized components are included in a shop order, the top level item in the shop order must be serialized as well. The Bill of Materials Management program will prevent you from including serialized components in a BOM unless the top level item is also serialized
Shop Order Serial Numbers should be specified after all of the components for the order have been pulled and before the shop order has been completed. You may not complete a shop order until the serial number information for the order has been completely specified.
Shop Order Components that are serialized must be set up to be serialized on receipt (you may not serialize components at invoicing as in this case the serial number for the item is not in the system unless it has been sold and the system cannot verify the serial number being used is valid).
The Serial Master records for the top level item in a shop order and for the byproducts produced by completing the shop order are created during shop order processing. These records are updated if/when the shop order is completed, and they are deleted if the shop order is cancelled. The component serial numbers for a shop order must already exist in the Serial Master file when the shop order is entered, and these component serial records are linked to the serial numbers of the top level items being built during the shop order process (prior to completion).
The procedures for specifying the serial numbers associated with a shop order are as follows.
1. Locate and select (highlight) the shop order to be serialized in the Shop Order Management program.
2. Verify that the shop order has been pulled (that the pulled quantity shown in the shop order header is the same as the ordered quantity in the shop order header). You may not serialize a shop order until the components have been completely pulled from inventory.
3. Enter or Accept the Top Level Item Serial Numbers. Use the Right Mouse/Context menu to select the Serial Numbers option. When this option is selected, the system checks to make sure the top level item in the shop order is a serialized item, and it determines whether serial numbers for the top level item are assigned automatically or are specified manually by the operator. If the top level item in the shop order is not serialized, the system will display an error when you select the Serial Numbers option notifying you that the item is not serialized (the Bill of Materials Management program will also prevent you from including serialized components in a BOM unless the top level item is also serialized).
If the top level item being processed is set to automatically assign serial numbers (this is based on the serial and serial prefix fields in the Inventory Item), the system will automatically load the Shop Order Serial Number List with the correct quantity of sequential serial numbers for the item based on the quantity being built. These serial records will be displayed in the Shop Order Serial Number List when you go into it.
If the top level item is not set up to be automatically serialized, you should input the serial numbers for the top level item manually. You may manually specify the top level serial numbers by pressing the Create One Button that is displayed in the Shop Order Serial Number List. When the Create One Button is pressed, the system prompts for the serial number for the item. As you input each serial number and press the OK Button, the serial number is displayed in the Shop Order Serial Number List. The Shop Order Serial Number List will display a warning if you try to input more serial numbers than required for the item. If the shop order you are working with is for a large quantity, you may also use the Create Multiple Option to create a series of sequential numeric serial numbers for the top level items on the order. When the Create Multiple Button is pressed,
4. Input the serial numbers for the Component Items for the shop order, including any byproducts (items that are produced and returned to stock when the top level item is completed). Once the serial numbers for the top level item or items being built have been input, you should link or associate the appropriate component serial numbers with the serial number record for each of the top level items being produced on the shop order.
Use the Right Mouse/Context Menu to select the Serial Numbers Option. This action will cause the system to display the Shop Order Serial Numbers List.
Highlight the top level item number for which you are inputting component serial number information and press the Link Component Serial Numbers Button or select the Expand option in the Shop Order Serial Numbers List. When the Link option is selected, the system will display the Shop Order Serial Number Linker Program. The Shop Order Serial Number Linker program is used to associate component serial numbers to the top level serial numbers that they are included in. When the program is activated, it will display a list of the serialized components (and byproducts), that are included in the top level item. The Shop Order Serial Number Linker does not display serial number detail, only a list of the serialized items that are included in the top level item.
Select the first component to be serialized in the Shop Order Serial Number Linker program and select the Expand option to display the Shop Line Serial Number Linker program. The Shop Line Serial Number Linker program shows the component serial numbers that are currently linked to the selected top level serial number. The top portion of the Shop Line Serial Number Linker program displays the item number and description of the component that is being serialized, the top level item serial number that the component is being associated with, the shop order and line that the component is included in, and the quantity of component serial numbers needed for the current top level item (this is based on the quantity of each component that is required to build one top level item).
Input the component serial numbers. Once the Shop Line Serial Linker has been displayed, you may input the serial number for the component item. If the component has a positive shop line quantity (indicating it is a component and not a byproduct), the serial number for the component item should already exist in the serial master file and it should have a status of I (in stock). To select the serial number for the component, you may press the Insert Button or Key to display the Serial Number Selection List. The Serial Number Selection list displays the status I serial records for the component item in the location where the shop order is being processed. To select a serial number from this list, you should highlight the number and press the Enter key or the Select Button. At this point, the system will close the Shop Order Selection List and add the component serial number to the Shop Line Number Linker List to indicate that the component serial number has been recorded.
5. Input any byproduct serial numbers. If the component item being serialized is a byproduct (has a negative shop line quantity), the item is being created or produced by the shop floor process and a serial master record will not exist for the item. In this case, when you select the Insert option in the Shop Line Serial Number Linker, the program will prompt you for the byproduct serial number instead of displaying the Serial Number Selection List. Once you have input the byproduct serial number, the system checks to make sure it is not already in stock and then it adds the byproduct serial number to the Shop Line Serial Number Linker to indicate that the component has been serialized.
Verifying the Serial Numbers for a
Shop Order prior to Completion