Set Up the Serialized Inventory Parameters in the System Control File

 The serialized inventory applications make use of the information that is entered for the following parameters in the System Control file (file 248).  These parameters must be properly set up by the system administrator or Cove Systems personnel before any serialized inventory transactions may be processed.  These parameters may be set on a global or a user by user basis.  Please see the System Administrators Reference section of the documentation for more information about the System Control file.

026S1001 - This parameter determines the Company Master Overlay (lookup window) which is displayed from within the Serial Master Information window.  The name of the program (overlay) which will be used to display and select Company records should be entered in the Info field for this parameter.  This parameter may be set on a global basis by entering the name of the program to be used in a single parameter record.  The parameter may also be set on a user by user basis by creating multiple parameters with the operator initials defined in the User field and the program to be used by that operator defined in the Info field.

026S1002 - This parameter determines the Shipto Master Overlay (lookup window) which is displayed from within the Serial Master Program.  The name of the program (overlay) which will be used to display Shipto records should be entered in the Info field for this parameter.  This parameter may be set on a global basis by entering the name of the program to be used in a single parameter record or on a user by user basis by setting up multiple parameters with the program defined in the Info field and the operator initials defined in the User field.

026S10DI - This parameter determines which index will be used as the default by the Serial Master Screen.  The Serial Master Screen allows you to display the Serial Master records in your system in owner, item number, serial number, sold to, or location order sequence using the default or main index for the selected field.  The Serial Master Screen also allows you to change the display sequence while you are using the program.  The field name of the desired default display sequence should be entered into the Info field (in all capital letters) for this parameter.  For example, entering SERIAL will cause the system to display the Serial Master records in your system in serial number order.  This parameter may be set on a global basis by entering the name of the field to be used in a single parameter record or on a user by user basis by setting up multiple parameters with the index defined in the Info field and the operator initials defined in the User field.

026S10ZZ - Edit rights for FV026S10 - This parameter determines operator rights within the Serial Master program.  The available options include insertion (I), deletion (D), and editing (E) rights.  Operators may be granted one or more of these rights based on the setting of this parameter.  If "DEI" is entered in the Info field for this parameter, the operator will have all rights within the program.  If an "I" is entered in the Info field for this parameter, the operator will be able to insert new records into the Serial Master program but will be unable to delete or edit existing records.  The parameter can be set up on either a global or an individual basis by specifying the operator in the user field and the right(s) to be granted to the operator in the Info field.  If no operator is specified in the User field, the parameter will apply to all operators. 

027S01ZZ - Edit rights in FV027S01.  This parameter determines the operator rights within the Serial History Window (FV027S01). The available options include insertion (I), deletion (D), and editing (E) rights.  Operators may be granted one or more of these rights based on the setting of this parameter.  If "DEI" is entered in the Info field for this parameter, the operator will have all rights within the program.  If an "I" is entered in the Info field for this parameter, the operator will be able to insert new records into the Serial History File but will be unable to delete or edit existing records.  The parameter can be set up on either a global or an individual basis by specifying the operator in the user field and the right(s) to be granted to the operator in the Info field.  If no operator is specified in the User field, the parameter will apply to all operators. 

070S1903 - Determines the overlay (program) which is executed by the Inventory Transfer program when serialized inventory items are transferred between inventory locations.  The overlay prompts the operator to enter the serial numbers of the serialized items being transferred.  The name of the appropriate program should be entered in the Info field for this parameter.

099M11ZZ - Edit Rights in Ship To Lookup.  This parameter determines the operator rights within the Shipto Lookup overlay FV099M11.  The available options include insertion (I), deletion (D), and editing (E) rights.  Operators may be granted one or more of these rights based on the setting of this parameter.  If "DEI" is entered in the Info field for this parameter, the operator will have all rights within the program.  If an "I" is entered in the Info field for this parameter, the operator will be able to insert new records into the Serial History File but will be unable to delete or edit existing records.  The parameter can be set up on either a global or an individual basis by specifying the operator in the user field and the right(s) to be granted to the operator in the Info field.  If no operator is specified in the User field, the parameter will apply to all operators. 

INVSERUP - Invoice Serializer Modal.  This parameter stores the name of the overlay (program) which is called or executed by the Invoicing/Order Completion program when serialized items are invoiced.  The name of the overlay should be entered in the Info field for this parameter

LOT# - Serial Lot No.  This parameter stores a counter that is used by the system to assign sequential lot numbers to serialized inventory items as they are received into inventory.

PORECSER - Serialize on receipt?  This parameter determines whether inventory items will be serialized as they are received into inventory.  If the parameter is set to "Y", the system will prompt the operator to enter the serial numbers of any serialized inventory items which are received using the PO/Inventory Receiving program.  If the parameter is set to "N", the system will not prompt the operator for serial number input as serialized items are received.

RECSERUP - Receiving Serializer.  This parameter stores the name of the overlay (program) which is called by the PO/Inventory Receiving program when serialized inventory items are received and the system is configured to serialize items upon receipt.  The overlay prompts the operator to input the serial numbers of the serialized items which are received.

SERIAL# - Assigned Number to a serial record.  This parameter is a counter which stores the last serial number assigned by the system.  This counter is used when a serialized item is received or invoiced and the item is assigned a serial number by the system.

SERTRAN# - Serial History Transaction Number.  This parameter is a counter which stores the last transaction number assigned to a serial history record.  The transaction number is a unique identifier which is assigned to each serial history transaction.  The transaction number (counter) is incremented each time a new serial history record is created.

TRAKLOT# - Track lot numbers in serial master?  This parameter determines whether or not the lot number is stored in the serial master record for each serialized inventory item.  If a "Y" is entered for this parameter, the lot number will be stored; if an "N" is entered for this parameter the lot number will not be stored in the Serial Master record for the item.


Flag the individual inventory items in the system.