
A&R Mode Only - If the policy OCDOAUTH is set to "Y" system checks for an authorization and Transaction ID in the order header.  If neither is present the system does an authorization for the shipment and any shipping up-charges.  A CCTRAN record is created.

At invoicing/shipment time the system either does a capture or a sale immediately after manifesting.  This is triggered by the presence of the Authorization Transaction ID in the order header which indicates whether or not an authorization transaction has taken place.  If an authorization code is present and the ID is present the system uses the code to do a "capture" for the amount of the invoice. 

A&R Mode Only- If the code is not present the system attempts to do a "sale" for the invoice amount.  If the sale does not complete the system informs the operator that the invoice needs to be manually processed.

In either case the system applies the credit card funds to the invoice, and adds a record for the deposit program to use for reconciliation.  If the sale/capture fails operator is notified and the invoice remains unpaid.

When a credit card order has been picked and invoiced the system captures the sale at the end of invoicing.  The system updates the CCTRAN.  The invoices is saved as paid (cash applied).

Note:  When an order is invoiced, and there are still items to ship, the system checks if it is in "AutoAuth" mode and if so leaves the order open, with AUTOAUTH in the authcode field (A&R Mode only). 

If in "Auto" mode the system attempt an authorization for the remainder and if it can not get it places the order on "1" hold.

If in "Manual mode" the system places the order on "1" hold.


CCTran File