• Seamless integration with all related applications and modules - The serialized inventory programs are displayed automatically by the system when a transaction involving a serialized item is saved. The operator is prompted to input the serial numbers of the items being processed, and the system checks the information being input by the operator to ensure that it is valid.
• On Line Lookup Screens - Serialized inventory information can be searched for by inventory item number, serial number, sold to, owner, or location. The serial numbers associated with specific documents such as invoices, purchase or shop orders can be viewed from the document lookups, or from Serialized Inventory Lookups
• Detailed Status and Location information – Each Serialized Inventory record or “Serial Master” record, contains extensive information about the current status, owner, and location of the serial number item number combination. The Serial Master record also contains information about the vendor and purchase order associated with the purchase of the item (if applicable).
• Serial History - A complete serial history is maintained for each serialized inventory item. Serial History records are created each time a serialized item is processed by the system. Individual items may be received, transferred, and/or invoiced multiple times and a complete history of the transactions associated with the item is maintained and can be accessed on line. Each Serial History record includes information about the application that processed the transaction, and the document number (invoice number, purchase order number, etc.) which was assigned to the transaction when it was saved.
• Integrated Imaging - Images and documents can be created and attached to each Serialized Inventory or Serial History record and this data is available from any of the documents or transactions associated with the serial number or serial transaction.
• Comment Support - Comment records can be created for each Serial Master and Serial History record. The comments can be viewed from the Serialized Inventory Lookups.
• Change Tracking - Serial History records are created whenever the inventory item, serial number, vendor, sold to, owner, or location associated with a serialized item is manually updated by the operator. Serial History records are also created whenever the operator manually inputs or automatically imports a new Serial Master record.
• Flexibiltiy – “Serialized” and “Serialized on Sale” options allow you to record serial numbers when received into inventory, or to start tracking the serial numbers for the item only as the items are invoiced to a customer.
• Bar Code Support. The Serialized Inventory programs allow operators to input serial numbers using the keyboard or a wand or other bar code input device.
• Auto-incrementing of serial numbers during inventory receiving. Routines automatically increment the numeric portions of the serial number being input, eliminating the need for the operator to input each serial number when a sequential range is being received.
• Batch Import – An Import Batch option allows you to import serial numbers from a vendor supplied (or in-house) ASCII file during receiving.
• Security Operator defined security rights - Security (editing, insertion, deletion) rights may be set on a global or on a user by user basis. All operators may be granted the ability to view existing serialized inventory records and the ability to edit, delete, or create records may be restricted to selected individuals.
• Supports and Tracks item owner and sold to information. Separate Sold To, Owner and Location information is stored for each Serial Master record.
• Notes may be attached to Serial Master and Serial History records. Extended descriptions regarding the status and activity for each serialized inventory item may be entered into the system. The notes may then be printed on reports or viewed from within lookup screens.
• Automatic calculation of warranty expiration dates during invoicing. Warranty expiration dates are calculated automatically by the system when each item is invoiced based on the warranty period defined for each item and the invoice date. Warranty information can later be displayed from within the Serial Master Screen.
• Extensive reporting capabilities are provided. Serialized Inventory records can be output by owner, sold to, location, serial number or inventory item number. Reports allow the operator to output the current status and the history associated with the selected items along with any notes that have been created for the records. All reports allow the user to output the report data to the screen, to file, or to a printer.
• Multiple Inventory locations can be maintained and serialized items can be transferred between locations.
• The selling price and weighted average cost of each serialized inventory item are maintained in the Serial Master file.
• User Definable Codes allow tracking of additional information about serialized items. Eight Code fields are provided and they allow the user to customize the information that is stored in each Serial Master record. The information that is stored in these fields can be table driven or free-form or both.